Eternal Darkness

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After much conisderation I have decided to start uploading the entire novel. The main reason that I han't yet done so was that I was afraid that it would be stolen and that I wouldn't be able to make money off of it. 

I have come to the conclusion that I would rather people read my work then have it sitting in a drawer gathering dust. It is no masterpiece but I think it is time that it was shared. 

I'll write up a proper blog post later in my "Blog" if you are interested in this process but for the time being I will update this novel every few days and fixing up what is already here. 

After Eternal Darkness I will look to uploading the two sequels to the work and think about writing more. If there is demand for it I will release the print version of the book but at the moment I am more interested in getting feedback and looking to improve my writing.

The people I have dedicated chapters to have provided the images you see on the right bar. 

Thank you and have a nice day!

Eternal Darkness (The Cimmerian Cycle #1)Where stories live. Discover now