Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next day while they were trekking a loud ripple of thunder rang through the trees. Then the sky was lit up briefly by a bolt of lightning. Kiayani stopped abruptly causing Leo to run into the back of her. Seconds later the sky opened and rain began to crash down around them. Koran yelled something over the sound of the rain that Kiayani didn’t hear. Confused she stood still, listening to the thunder that raged over head. A hand closed around her arm, most probably Leo’s, dragging her in one direction. Not being able to see through the blinding rain she allowed herself to be pulled along. She caught on and picked up the pace jogging slightly to keep up. Water poured down her face and into her clothes. She was quickly soaked to the bone and shivering as she ran. 

Then the rain stopped a little. She had jogged under a large tree. She found that it was Mik who had taken her arm and he slowly let go. Still feeling drops falling on her down from the leaves above she moved closer to the trunk where Koran and Leo was sitting. The rain continued to pound into to the earth even louder as she sat down making communication near impossible. They had only been walking a few hours but she felt really tired. Mik sat down next to her. Feeling as though they would be stuck there under that tree for a while she took of her pack. She was very glad for the waterproof lining that Mik had bought her back in the village. She was very sure that her book would be safe. She leant back on the tree and winced as the bark rubbed against her sore shoulders.

A hand tapped her arm and she looked around to see Mik looking at her shoulders with a worried expression. She placed her hand on the sore, wincing. It was wet, but she had just been out in the rain. She looked down at her shoulder and lifted up her fingers. They were covered in a deep red substance. Blood. Mik frowned at her. The rain pounding the ground was in sync with the blood pumping furiously through her ears. She was bleeding.

Gently but forcefully Mik pulled her towards him. He had taken his pack off and it was lying on the ground. He sat her facing away from him. After much rummaging around in his bag he laid some things on the ground. Some sort of cream and an apple. He then placed a hand on the collar of her shirt and Kiayani suddenly knew what he was going to do. Blushing red she placed her hand on top of his but he gave her such a look that she removed it almost straight away. She suddenly wished for the rain to stop so that she could tell him that she would deal with it herself. Closing her eyes she felt him slip the cloth off of her shoulder. With her opposite hand she held the fabric close to her chest embarrassed.

She winced as her applied the cream to her shoulder. It stung a lot. Then carefully he let her slide her sleeve back on and started on her right shoulder. It hurt to admit that she had not stopped think about herself. She had let herself get hurt. Tears prickled at her eyes. She was not meant to get any of the others involved.

Kiayani watched him pack away the cream into his bag and without thinking she hugged him tightly. He jumped a little from shock but she held onto his warmth.  She didn’t know why but she needed him to stop the tears pouring down her face. He leant against the hard trunk of the tree and awkwardly wrapped his arms around her waist. She rested her head on his chest and breathed in his scent. He smelt of the forest, the trees, the animals and Mik.

The rain persisted for hours and in the end they all drifted off to sleep. Leo sprawled on the ground by the twins who were curled up like small bears. Koran rested against the tree. Kiayani and Mik were on the other side of the tree, Kiayani had fallen asleep in his arms. Not wanting to move the sleeping girl he too fell asleep. Her head was resting on his shoulder as she breathed heavily.

When the storm at last came to a drizzle the group was beginning to stir. Kiayani and Mik, the first to fall asleep, were the first to wake. Kiayani opened her wide eyes and felt very confused. She could see that she was next to Mik; in fact she was in his lap. Her cheeks burning hot she pushed awkwardly away. Mik was looking slighted bemused as well and looked very embarrassed. The tears from last night had dried on her face leaving dirty streaks. Her clothes were stiff from not drying properly.

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