Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Kiayani was out of breath by the time she had reached the flat before the peak. She felt so hot wearing a thick cloak and wanted to take it off desperately, but the thin mist that rose in front of her told her that she would cool off pretty quick.

After her breathing had eased up a little she looked around at what the others were doing. Leo was spread out on the ground, his chest rising and falling heavily. Mik had his pack at his feet and was staring out to the east. The twins were sitting on the ground, talking in whispers. Kiayani joined Mik.

"I bet the view from here would be amazing," he said, more to himself than Kiayani.

"Mm..." Kiayani murmured in assent.

She stared out into the blackness. She thought she could see the land flattening out to where it would meet the ocean. The black-haired girl pushed a stray lock behind her ear and sat down on the dirt. What was she doing here? What place did a young, wild girl have with these freedom fighters? They were all strong and brave. She was just there.

Kiayani lifted her head and looked over at Koran who was scrambling over the rocks above. He was such a good leader. He looked over at her and smiled. She turned away before the all too familiar fluttering of her stomach would make the blood rise in her cheeks. She hid her face in her arms to hide the blush.

Kiayani closed her eyes, she was tired. This whole trip had been draining on her energy and her mind. She longed for her comfortable bed and her servant. Kiayani wanted to go home. The boys had no use for her and if she was at home she would no longer be a burden, another mouth to feed.

Then it struck her. Going home meant being sent to the city to be married. The prospect disgusted her more than ever but she had no choice, she wouldn’t remain with Koran’s gang because she was using it as an excuse to hide from the harsh reality that was waiting for her. As much as she didn’t want to be wed to an unknown man she could no longer be a burden and the moment she got off this mountain she would tell them how sorry she was and that she was going home. The second she made her resolve Koran called out.

“I think I found it! It’s a bit further up though.”

Kiayani sat still. Did she dare follow them further up the mountain when she was clearly unneeded?

A hand fell on her shoulder, “Are you coming?” It was Mik.

“Yeah,” she whispered standing up. If they wanted her to go then she would go, but what she would be able to do to help was a mystery.

She picked up her pack and made her way over to the mass of boulders that sat pressed against the cliff side. She could see the two twins hopping their way up like two large mountain goats. Koran was standing at the base with his pack slung over one shoulder. Leo was being dragged by Mik to the nearest boulder and told to start climbing. Kiayani found it funny how each of these boys reminded herself so much of her brothers.

“Kiayani! Over here! Let me help you up!” Koran called her over from the top of his boulder.

Kiayani stumbled forward towards the boulder and was shocked to see that it was almost her own height. Most of the other boulders were twice as big as the first one. Trying to stay focused she placed her hand on the cool stone, marveling at how smooth it was. She placed her foot in a crack on the side and pulled herself up. Very ungracefully she half slithered, half slid, onto the top of the boulder. She gave a little sigh of relief and she heard Koran laugh, “Don’t get too relaxed, there is still quite a way to go.”

He helped her to her feet and she felt her arm tingle slightly where he had touched her.

“Thanks,” she mumbled.

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