ON WATTPAD: To Read or Not to Read

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So you've made the decision to be a reader on Wattpad. Congratulations! The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem . . . wait that's a line for something else. Never mind. There are two kinds of readers on Wattpad: Silent and active.

Silent is just that, they're silent when they read. They might add a writers book to a reading list, but that's all you'll ever hear from them.

Active readers will vote and comment. Voting is usually every chapter, commenting is when they have something to say. Either way, they engage with the writer in some way. At the end of the finding books to read guide, I'll do a quick run down on how to vote, comments, and add a book to your library.

As a writer I will fully admit I love active readers. Yes every reader is a good reader, but active readers are a little more special. That could be because of the smile that comes to my face when I see someone having a fan boy/girl moment in my book or because of the votes, they're just special to me. Plus votes and comments help a book hit the hot lists of the genres which shoots the writer to stardom. Okay maybe not stardom, but they do help the story get out there. Either because of how the algorithm works or because that activity shows up on a persons profile so others might cross it and decide to check it out, it helps promote that story. So when you decide to be a reader, do consider being an active reader. It's okay either way, just wanted to suggest why being active matters.

Now, how do you find good books on here? There are those that will say there are no good books, only crap. I don't agree with that. Are there some rough books on here? Sure. I include mine in that statement since all I do prior to posting is run through spellcheck. But there's also some real gems out there.

Finding those gem . . . well that can be a challenge. There are multiple ways to discover books. Since I'm not a reader, I'm just a writer on here, I may not be able to cover them all. But I'll at least cover what I know.

The first, and most obvious one, is via wattpad.com and those endless reading lists that generate. Since that one is so obvious I probably don't need to go over that one, but if you'd like me to just speak up.

Next is under the discover tab. Click on discover and you'll get this drop down menu of goodies.

 Click on discover and you'll get this drop down menu of goodies

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