01 | Vayas Con Dios

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THE HOT WIND blows against my skin through the open window, making parts of my hair dance around the back of my seat. The radio is playing softly in the background as I focus on the long road in front of me. With nothing but desert around me I know I have no reason to be afraid, but my gaze travels to my cellphone, which is lying on the passenger seat next to me. My palms begin to sweat every time I even think of my family realizing that I'm gone and calling to ask where the hell I am.

The turn of events run through my mind for the third time this past hour — deciding to take a risk, being called to a conversation with my commander and our chief, being investigated multiple times about what happened, giving away my gun and badge, my parents finally talking again only so they can scold me, and lastly, failing every job interview I had.

Slowly, I inhale and exhale. I remind myself that I'm currently getting away from all of that. It's childish to drop everything and get away from home, I'm sure my parents will make sure to tell me that when I'll be back, but I need this. I don't regret what I've done, but I know I messed up and I just need a break. I'll lose my mind if I'll go through another day suffering from a headache while looking for a job or being told one more time that what happened is 'so unfortunate' from people who don't know a thing about the truth.

And there's the other stuff, the weird stuff, which I hope will be gone after I'll be back from Mexico, whenever that will be.

Keeping my escapade as a secret hasn't been particularly hard, for better and for worse. Messing up in your adult life had a price, especially with what I did, and a part of the price is loneliness. People from my unit stay away from me since the truth came out. A few of them texted me, but that's it — long gone are the days we used to hang out every day after our long shifts and spend most of the day together. On top of that is my family, that was shocked and angry at first but now seems to be ignoring me, too.

In the distance, I see the border and the enormous sign that reads 'MEXICO' on top of the checkpoint. The sight makes me feel a little better and I start humming to an upbeat song that I only now notice is playing. Originally, I wanted to escape to Canada, live in a hotel that had a panoramic view, but Mexico is closer. I'm not sure what I'll be doing there yet, but I think that the little money I have with me should be enough.

Being so close to Mexico makes me slightly impatient. I press harder on the gas, reaching the speed limit, and watch the border getting closer and closer. The border is crowded with vehicles that are standing in long lines. I join one of the lines, silently wondering how many people around me are here for the same reason; to escape. It suddenly feels a bit surreal to me that I'm managing to come through with my plan and a small smile tugs on my lips. I'm almost there.


An hour later, I'm almost sure that this checkpoint is trying to tire me down and make me regret coming here. I'm closer to the checkpoint itself now, but there are still four cars ahead of me, which gives me at least twenty more minutes of waiting. My body is starting to get tired of being in one position for so long, and I feel hot and sweaty under the Texas sun.

Bored, I glare at the short distance that's separating me from Mexico. I tap my fingers to the beat of the song that's playing on the radio, their shadows dancing on my body. After several seconds, I get tired of looking at the same thing and let my gaze wander. The air freshener that's hanging from the review mirror suddenly gives me an idea. Hesitantly, I keep my gaze on it and move my fingers up and down. I feel like a crazy person, but I try to focus harder on the freshener, determined to see if something will happen.

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