Chapter One

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"She is now very responsive and will definitely make it," Adam responded, Mitch sighing in relief.

"And what room is she in?" Mitch asked, getting up and throwing his tank and jacket on. "I would like to see her as soon as I can."

"She is in room 324," Adam answered. "That is on floor four because some idiot mixed up half of the 200s and 300s. It'll be to your left once you get off of the elevator."

"Thanks," Mitch smiled, turning around before he was able to walk out. "Tell Thomas it was very nice to meet him."

Before Scott could say anything, Mitch walked out the door, walking away from the room. He tried his hardest not to let his emotions take over, but it was hard when he was feeling many emotions at once. He felt joy because of his sister, anxiety because of his rushing thoughts, sadness, love, lust, and jealousy because of what went down with Scott, and anger because he let himself fall back into that deep hole. He calmly walked to the elevator, riding it to the second floor. The emotions all boiled up, Mitch attempting to push them all away, before he walked into his sisters room. When he walked in, she was wide awake.

"Mari!" Mitch squealed, running over and giving her a huge hug. "I am so happy you pulled through. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Ally told me everything," Mariela sighed. "I am too weak to cry right now, so I am going to stay happy that you and Ally made up."

"I need someone to vent to," Mitch sat down on the side of the bed. "I just have a lot on my mind and I need to get it off my shoulders, you know?"

"I am all ears." she nodded, a huge smile on her face. "You know you can talk to me about anything, Fratello."

"Okay here it goes," Mitch sighed. "When I got to Japan, I wanted to escape the reality that Scott would definitely move on, so my mind focused on working and drinking. Now I kinda regret it, because I missed a lot. Then I got here feeling a million levels of regret, but then I met my nephew and it all washed away. But then I went into Dad's room and watched him die and I was full of that same regret. Then Scott wouldn't believe that Ally and I made up and I let her go home for a bit, and he yelled at me, making me feel worse. Then I got over it again and worked on my job in my room. Then he just shows up to apologize, but he kissed me and I forgot the reason we fell apart in the first place. As soon as the nurse interrupted with news about you, though, and he denied me as if we were never anything so I left to come see you but it hurts so bad walking away from him again. I know I need to move on, but I just can't, Mariela!"

"Are you going back to Japan?" She asked, obviously striking a chord.

"I want to go out and do my own thing," Mitch sighed, "and I had that in japan. My issue is my life and family are here."

"How about I help start your own company?" Mariela suggested. "Ally and I will be your first customers, because we want some pictures of Alex done. Then I will promote the fuck out of you. I've got you, Mitchie."

"Do you mind me stepping out?" He asked, standing back up. "I need to tell Akira I am staying in Texas."

"I'll be here when you're done," she nodded with a smile, Mitch walking out and calling Akira.

"Hey. It's Mitch."
"Oh hi. Are you calling me to tell me you're going to stay in texas?"
"Ehm yeah... I am so sorry."
"It's okay. I understand the need to be with family. I don't need to as much anymore, but I passed up moving to America to be here for my mom."
"Come to America now, then. I will pay for you to move here, transfer your money to USD, and I even have a place that you can rent out. I am making my own company so we could merge and move it to America. The Grassi name will blow it up, trust me. We'll call it Grassimoto Photography."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually."
"I will pay your way here and you can rent out the apartment I built in my basement. It's not Japanese advanced, but it's something to start with. You'll be able to help me pick the building and everything."
"I was giving the company to Mariko anyways. Everything will be signed over to her next Saturday."
"Then I will set up your flight for the following Wednesday."
"That sounds great. I guess I will see you then."
"You sure will."

"How did he respond?" Mariela asked after Mitch walked back in.

"Pretty well," Mitch said as he walked over and sat back down on the bed. "Actually I have some pretty good news. He's selling his photography business to his sister and moving here. He's agreed to become my business partner and everything. The three of us will kick ass."

"There's actually something I have to tell you," Mariela sighed, looking down. "While you were gone, we were discussing with Dad about his poa and his will. Well, Macy didn't want to be poa, so I was next in line. He gave me the recording studio, Macy his houses, and you his transportation vehicles. Then he split the money between you, me, and Macy. Are you okay with that?"

"Of course!" Mitch reassured. "I would have just been happy with a little bit of money to start my business. All that matters is were all on good terms."

"Well Mace and I paid for everything to be expedited," she added, "and everything has been added and switched over, so all of his cars are already yours, but we have to wait a week for the money to split."

"Just in time for Akira to have a chance to get here," Mitch beamed with excitement. "I know we'll eventually have to mourn his death, but him and mom wouldn't want us crying over them. They'd want us to keep going, and that's what we're all doing. I cannot wait to see what this new company will have in store for me."

"Me neither," she agreed, the two of them hanging out until Macy and Ally came back to see the miracle that was Mariela Grassi.

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