Chapter 1: A Ghost From His Past

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Writer's Note: I wanted to try out and write a different genre that I don't usually write. It's still a romance story, but, with a hurt/comfort in it. This story was inspired by the anime, "Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day." Its one of those stories that toys around with your heart strings. Oh the "feels." The show isn't that bad, but, I suggest you have a box of tissues with you when you watch it. I don't want to reveal that much of my story, but, I will have short commentaries at the end for each chapter I post.

More Info. About The Story: Jack the lovable guy we all know, but, he has a cursed life of bad luck where ever he goes and do. But that wasn't the case when he was young. When he used to hang out with his old friends, he felt invisible with them around. But since experiencing multiple deaths and rejection in his life, he doesn't believe that he belongs in the world anymore. Not until an old friend from his past came back for him. This doesn't only focus on Jack and his old friend, but, also the rest of Jack's friends and their relationship with this old friend of his. THERE WON'T BE AN USE OF MAGIC OR POWERS IN THIS STORY (i.e. No Ice Powers). However, the characters will think about magic in their imaginations.

Warnings: I tend to write long chapters, hope you don't mind. Currently this story is rated T. I will give warnings before chapters if they go above the current rating.

Anyhow, enjoy!

Thanks for starting to read my story. There will be a short commentary at the end. Happy reading!


The ceiling lights of an operation room looked like glowing orbs. A group of medical staffs, ranging from a surgeon to regular nurses, they huddled around a surgical table where a sleeping patient was intoxicated with anesthetic.

The surgeon, who was the head of the group, ordered his teammates to bring him the needed instruments to complete the operation. They been doing this routine where the staffs helped the surgeon by heading him medical tools to wiping off sweat from his forehead. This has been going for a couple of hours, since they started the surgery. Everyone was eager to get this operation done as soon as possible. They don't want the patient to be stuck in dreamland for a long time.

The patient was definitely young, mostly twenty-three years old. A surgical cap and air mask decorated his face and head. His eyes was closed shut. Hopefully his mind was at ease. But, while he was closed from the real world, the young man was buzzing with thoughts and haunted by images from his past.

I guess this is it. My life is ending short, but, why so slow. Can it just finish quickly already? He wondered.

A sudden image of the patient when he was little boy. He wore a big smile on his face, a set of pearly white teeth, which matched the color of his hair. Snowy white. Wait. That's me...Well who I used to be.

More images came along. A couple with a baby stood by the little boy. They were spending time, together, at quiet shoreline by a large body of water looking over the horizon. A tall man towered over the little boy, the little one held onto the man's rough hard-working hand. Where am I? Is that my...

The scene on the shore slowly faded away, revealing a quiet meadow where a group of kids was playing. The same little boy was dribbling a soccer across a grassy field while the other kids chased after him. Their laughter echoed beyond the patient's mind. What's going on?

Suddenly the images all disappeared, leaving the patient to see nothing, but, black. He was deep inside an unknown void. At back of his mind, he's contemplating whether those sudden images was a sign or not.

Is it too late to ask for a second chance? If I can, what does it take? He pondered.

"Put the love of someone else first, before your's," A deep booming voice echoed inside the young man's head. Even though, he deeply intoxicated, he barely flinched over the voice. Instead, he recalled the mysterious voice's statement with broken words. The love. Someone else first. Before...

He couldn't think straight. But he still managed to control the floating thoughts. Soon more images, suddenly appeared again. Most of them were uncontrollable flashbacks. One was the same couple from the shore, reading a book to their young children. Another was a group of kids eating ice cream while sitting on top of hill that looked over a pleasant neighborhood.

"Can I go back to them?" A sense of hunger for affection came to mind for the patient.

"Put the love of someone else first, before you're own," the voice repeated. "That is your key for a second chance."

"Love? That's my key?" The young man reflected.

"Yes. But, this second chance can only be earned when you fulfill this promise. You must not break it or more bad luck will endlessly haunt you until you live on this Earth." the voice proclaimed.

As if the mysterious voice's words didn't sound so important to the young man, he felt nothing, he wasn't impressed. The young man already thought his life was poisoned with bad luck since he regretted that one summer day.

Suddenly, in the middle of the operation, the heart meter was screaming wildly. The waves on the screen wasn't dying out. The surgeon paused, "That's impossible how did his heart just stopped?" Two staffs rushed over to the machine.

"Doc, his heart rate is still stable," said one of the nurses. "The machine is acting crazy today," said the other.

"No sign of external bleeding, he's still intact," said the surgeon's assistance. "Very well," the surgeon went back to operating. "Come on kid, you can make it." The surgeon quietly encouraged his young patient.

"Fine. I'll do whatever it takes to have a second chance," the young man told the mysterious voice.

"Very well then. Remember to keep you promise..." the booming voice soon faded away. Silence took over the patient's mind.

"Jack..." The echoing sound of a young child called out the young man. According to him, it sounded vaguely familiar.

Suddenly the voices of the medical staffs echoed throughout Jack's head. Their voices caused him to wake up. The flash of light peaked through his eyes, welcoming him back to reality.

"Jack..." The haunting voice continued on calling his name.

Jack was unconsciously laying on a medical bed. He was placed inside a room that looked over a busy street. The classic symphony of a bustling city was set outside the hospital. The surgeon and his surgical team huddled around Jack's bedside. Some was writing down notes, while the rest talked among themselves.

The surgeon was talking to Jack about how the surgery was a success. But, Jack wasn't listening to him. He was busy staring at a little girl with strawberry blonde pigtails. She was happily standing at the end of his bed, carrying a joyous smile. Jack was unable to speak and even move. The drugs inside his system hasn't worn off yet.

"It must be the drugs. I'm not crazy." He thought. "This is just an illusion, She's not real."

"Jack." The little girl said softly.

Jack wanted to look away. No she's not real. But, he couldn't let go of seeing and believing a ghost from his past was standing in front of him. I must be still dreaming. C'mon Jack. Wake up!


Short Commentary: Okay, some of y'all might be asking, "Whoa! Jack in the hospital? Why?" You guys will find out later on why. As for the random little girl that Jack saw by his bedside, you can guess who she is. I won't mention who she is until the next chapter. I wanted to open up the story to grab your attention and question about what's going on and why the main character was put under this kind of situation. That's so far I have to say about this chapter. More to come. Stay tune! Thanks again for giving your time for reading this story.

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