Chapter 4

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     When I woke up I saw Harry staring at me. I said, "Good morning."

"You look beautiful when you are sleeping, and good morning love."

"Thanks." I said smiling.

"So, are you hungry, love?"


"Alright, let's get dressed then I'll go and make us some breakfast."

Harry gave me short and a sweat shirt to wear. I went in the bathroom to change, while Harry stayed in his room. After I was done, I went back into Harry's room. I walk into the room to see a shirtless Harry. I stopped and didn't know what to say. All i remember him saying was, "Like what you see love?" and laughed. I still couldn't say anything or move. So, Harry picked me up and took me down stairs. Louis was sitting on the sofa, so i went over and sat down with him. "Morning love, sleep well?" Louis asked.

"Yes. Did you?"

"Yes I did!"


"Yep, so what are you going to do today?"

" I need to go to my house, so I can get my clothing and everything."

"Is Harry taking you?"

"Yeah, I think so."


"Yeah, so what are you doing today?"

"I'm going to go out with Eleanor."


"Thanks" he said smiling.

"Yeah, so you and Harry are pretty close, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Because when I heard you guys over talking last Harry, said all of the other girls. How many girls was he talking about?"

"Kyra listen. Harry is a big flirt. More than Niall and hes really bad. But, when Harry has a girlfriend, he is happy with her. He never cheated on any of them. And my opinion, all those other girls were assholes. They just wanted Harry for his fame, and his body. None of them actually liked him. And I never could understand any other them. But you, you I can understanyou. A lot. And you like him. You two were and are meant to be for each other. I can tell."d. You don't have to worry about anything. If Harry is fancying you now, then he won't stop. Harry likes

"Thanks Lou. You're a big help."

"You're welcome. And hey, that's what i am here for love!"

"Alright, I'll be sure to remember that!"

"You do th-"

"Guys breakfast!" Harry shouted.

"I'll race you Lou!" I teased.

"You're on!" he said.

"1 2 3 Go!"

Louis ran, and i caught up to him. I jumped on his back and he fell down. I got back up and started running again. "Lou, I bet you!" I said.

"Only because I let you!"

"Not uh!"

"Yes, I just wanted you to feel good about your self for once!"

"So mean!"

"I'm not me-"

"Girls, girls, girls! Calm down!" Harry interrupted or little "fight."

"Never!" we shouted at him.

     After breakfast me, Harry and Louis went to Niall's flat. The door was unlocked, so we went in.  No one was up, so we went to go wake them. We ran into their room and started jumping on their bed and yelling get up! Niall fell out of bed. But he was naked. "Niall, why the hell are you naked?!" Louis and Harry yelled. I went over to McKenna and told her to get out of bed. She told me that she couldn't. I couldn't believe what McKenna and Niall just did. "McKenna how could you have sex with Niall?! No offence Niall, your nice and everything, but we had an agreement!"

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