Chapter [ 11 ] Captive

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The city was only a quarter of a mile away and eerily silent with a familiar clicking noise echoing in the distance. I shivered, even though I was sweating from the sticky, humid air.

Ethan walked next to me, quiet until he noticed my pace slowed. "What's wrong?" he asked.

I gazed up at him, but only for a split second. Chase was looking over his shoulder at us. "Can't you hear them? They're still in the city."

"The clicking noise?"

I stopped walking, afraid to move forward. Ethan grabbed my hand. I wanted to pull away, but he wouldn't let go, or I didn't. My mind became confused.

I watched the rest of the gang walk ahead, and said, "Bottom-feeders. I think it's the way they communicate with each other. It's the same noise Sanders was making earlier."

Ethan raised his brow. "Sanders?"

I had to laugh. It was ridiculous even in my own ears, calling a bottom-feeder by name. "The captive."

Even Ethan laughed. "This is all insane, Mila. I mean...we're laughing and I'm not sure why. This..." He waves a hand around. " a nightmare."

That moment I started to understand him instead of resent him. Everything I've hated about Ethan before disappeared. We were both scared of death.

I pulled my hand from his, wiping the perspiration left on my palm against my pant leg. "Why are you being nice to me? We hate each other, remember?" I motioned toward his bruised eyes and slightly crooked nose. I had hit him pretty hard back in Steel City.

He touched the tip of his nose, narrowing his eyes. "Ouch...yeah, how could I forget that right hook of yours?"

We held each other’s gaze for a moment. He took a step closer. I wasn't sure whether to step away or run. My heart wasn't sure, either. Forced thudding of my pulse beat inside my ears.


Chase's voice pulled me out of the awkward moment with Ethan. He stepped away, clearing his throat.

I moved around him. "They're far ahead. Better catch up and stay close together." Ethan smiled. I never noticed how handsome he was until then. What was I thinking? I had Chase. I loved him.

Finally, we caught up with the group. Chase gave me a lingering look, silently asking me what I was doing so far back with Ethan. Before I could explain myself, Inara and Tank stopped in front of us, yanking back on the rope connected to the bottom-feeder's hands.

"Look guys," said Inara, pointing toward the blockade in the road. A swarm of thirty or more bottom-feeders looted the stores. Even though we were visible, none gave notice to our presence. "Why are they ignoring us?"

Chase said, "Maybe they're not hungry?" He shrugged, giving me an apologetic look when he felt me tense up next to him.

Everyone looked at me, like I'm supposed to have input on this matter. Ethan stepped forward. He must have noticed how uncomfortable I'd become.

"It's because of Sanders, “he said, pulling the attention away from me. I tried not to smile when he used the bottom-feeder's name.

"Sanders?" Chase said. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Inara chimed, "Please tell, I'm interested in what our captive has to do with this."

Ethan continued, "I'm almost positive that with our bottom-feeder, we can walk through the city streets untouched." He looked at the barricade.

Tank poked the bottom-feeder with a stick until he fell to his knees. He glared over at Ethan. "Would you like to volunteer? Because I'm sure as hell not getting mauled to death based on your pathetic theory!" For such a large guy, he had his fear, too.

Ethan shook his head. "Let me explain before you all go accusing me of being a liar or some pathetic theorist." His eyes darted my way and held them for a second. Chase took my hand protectively. I wanted to pull free, but I decided embarrassing him wouldn't solve our predicament.

"Explain, please," I said kindly.

He nodded. "Remember when you found me, Mila? Well, that day, I used a bottom-feeder to protect myself."

My brows shot upward. "How did you manage that?"

He smiled mischievously. "I'm not a complete wimp. I got some muscle like your meathead boyfriend here."

Chase released my hand, and started to move for forward. I grabbed his arm firmly, rolling my eyes at Ethan.

"Ignore him!" I said to Chase. "Let us figure this out with everyone in one piece."

Chase backed down. He remained quiet, but his chest still heaved up and down drastically. He was fuming inside.

"Finish what you were saying," I said to Ethan, this time the kindness left my tone of voice.

He walked over to Tank, taking the rope from his hand. "I caught my own bottom-feeder. At that time, I had no clue what I was doing. I injured her pretty good, enough for the beast to obey me." Pausing, he walked in circles around our captive. "I made it to the next building, and during this planned escape, I happened to walk right past a whole bunch of them unscathed."

Inara snorted. "Seriously? That's your story? Why would you tell us this now? He's lying to us," she said to the rest of us.

Ethan didn't say another word; instead he pulled on the rope, forcing the bottom-feeder onto his unstable feet. He nudged his boot into the back of him to usher forward.

I moved away from Chase, almost knocking over Inara. She cussed under her breath as I approached Ethan.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said, tugging at his arm. He brushed my hand away, looking back at the city. "Look at me!"

He spoke softly, "I guess I gotta prove to you and those idiots that I'm telling the truth."

"I believe you," I said. "But that doesn't mean it will work this time."

Chase spoke from behind, "Just let him go, Mila. If he wants to die so bad, then let him."

I was sad for Ethan. Tears welled up on my lower eyelids. I pushed them back, not allowing him to know that he's broken down my walls.

"Here," he said, handing me his ticket. "Hang onto this for me. I trust you to use it wisely just in case my crazy plan doesn't work."

I shook my head, taking the worn ticket. "You're so dumb, Ethan." Quickly I looked away from him, finally walking back to Chase.

We all stood quietly as we watched Ethan and the bottom-feeder make their way to the barricade. My heart strummed rapidly. He could die, and all I said to him is how dumb he was.

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