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There is a path that one can take;
a righteous path, for right is right;
a path many want to follow, and,
indeed, even more feel it is a need.
Though many find it an elusive goal
— a soul's salvation —
the path, the wise and pious say all must travel,
"is just and right," and this we know,
for it is written thus — full of charity
they want to act as our guide:
"follow me," they advocate, "all are welcome."

It takes a revelation, they say, to spot what's right
and sift through the nature of these things
as only a privileged few can do.
And again, they reiterate, "ours is the way,"
along a path at once virtuous and enlightened,
as one believes,
and, for certain, one must believe in just such a way,
it's understood their's must be the only course.

"Ours, the only true and righteous path," they say;
and behold!
the path narrows and permits only the very few,
only those with an equally narrow view,
but one so irrefutable that others must give way.
Now heed as a religion becomes a faction,
and no sooner that, than it's now a sect,
and their's becomes the only true way,
and freed we are from many an earthly obligation.

Dogmatic now,
more so than even the original canon.
In short order their views narrow more,
for salvation is only for the very select
as they become greater than their faith.
And more stridently now than before,
"salvation," they say, "is just down this path;
it's only just a little ways
— for those who are accepted.
Let me take you there,
follow me along the path,"
though it be narrow, we are the chosen few.


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