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Ironic, isn't it?
That snotty old Englishmen
should deny their own young
their security and their future
— their impact lost by their
approaching diminished state.

Like a jilted parent, they have
kidnapped their own children,
retreated back behind borders,
concocted a poorer land, only to
sustain their, .... well
— misguided custody.

"Take the UK out of the EU,"
squealed with a pseudofascist zeal;
only now with its realization,
trading younger Brits their prospects
and the only inheritance remaining
— a nation's ego.

To struggle! To give up! To Lose!
(prime ministers rolling in their graves)
that northern race soon to be lost
and drain further those sturdy,
ancient and safe-kept isles, a sliver
of their former global command
— yes the irony!

~ gtk

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