Chapter Twenty Four ~ Devil that wears Cheap Sh*tty Prada

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Chapter Twenty Four

Sierra’s POV

What was she doing here? She just showed up out of the blue? What did she want?

Harry’s POV

I saw Sierra tensing up; I knew she was asking herself the same questions as I… why was the she-devil back?

Louis’ POV

Why had she come back, I mean, last time I saw her, she left in a huff, this was all too suspicious….

Sierra’s POV

I glared at her whilst she just smiled at me smugly, something was up, I didn’t like that look on her face, I honestly just wanted to wipe it right off her face.

Harry’s POV

I put a hand of Sierra’s shoulder, trying to reassure her, my thoughts wondering back a few nights ago, with the Russian man who seemed so familiar.

Louis’ POV

I glanced over at Sierra, a scowl painted on her face, I sighed heavily, looking at the person who I dreaded to see the most.

Sierra’s POV

I followed the devil who wears cheap shitty Prada; we all sat in the lounge room, she smiled showing her bleached teeth. I wanted to knock a few out with my fist.

Harry’s POV

I sat there deep in thought, that man and his face played over and over again in my head, I frown and concentrated really hard, where had I seen his smug face before?

Louis’ POV

Harry stood up abruptly, he grabbed Sierra’s hand and dragged her away, I frowned then looked to my left, she was still there, she smiled at me seductively, she touched my arm, making me feel nervous, hoping that Sierra and Harry got back soon.

Sierra’s POV

“Harry! Why did you drag me away!?!” I hissed; want to return to the longue room straight away, “I know who the Russian man is, the one that works for Big Teddy!” he whispered, “who is he then? Spit it out!”

Harry’s POV

I took a deep breath, “remember the cop that escorted you out of the interviewing room, that’s him!” her face paled, “we need to tell Louis now!”

Louis’ POV

I heard their footsteps coming down the hallway; I had never been so relieved in my life. But at the last moment, she kissed me, I was so startled, I pushed her away immediately, I heard someone running away, “SIERRA! Wait!” I stood up and took one step forward, only my vision to be blacked out as I felt something break over the top of my head, knocking me unconscious.

Sierra’s POV

I was so broken, seeing her hands on my boyfriend, I wiped tears out of my eyes, I pelted down the road, “Sierra!” I heard Harry’s voice call after me, I heard a loud bang, I stopped dead in my tracks, I turned and saw harry on the ground, unconscious, the she devil held a massive piece of wood. She smirked, then whistled really loudly.

Harry’s POV

When I awoke I groaned, the back of my head hurts, I didn’t know what happened, I sat up straight and called out “SIERRA!” remembering her running away, I flung the sheets of myself and ran down the stairs, “where is she???” neither Zayn, Liam or Niall could look me in the eyes, “where is Louis?” Zayn looked up, “he is in his room…” “Now tell me where Sierra is!!”

Louis’ POV

I paced backwards and forwards, how could I let this happen? I knew something was suspicious when she came around uninvited. She worked for Big Teddy this was a part of the scheme to capture Sierra. The doorbell rang, everyone’s eyebrows knitted together. I went to the door and answered it. What my eyes collected shocked me.

Cassidy’s POV

“Help me!” I choked on my small words; I reached out for Louis’ hand, he picked me up and took me inside straight away.

Harry’s POV

I ran my hands through my curly hair; they had made an exchange, Cassidy for Sierra. I cursed myself, for letting Sierra get away. This was my entire fault, first Kendall now Sierra, this was all so fucked up.

Louis’ POV

I finally pulled together the nerve and picked up the phone and dialled for the police, this shit had gone all too far, this needed to end now, before someone else gets hurt…

Sierra’s POV

I huddled close to Kendall; she shook in my arms, as I was shaking in hers. Big teddy and the ‘cop’ stepped forwards, “at last, I have my beautiful Sierra back safely in my arms!” he congratulated Russian man, the man smirked at me then jabbed the spot where he stabbed me, “does it still hurt sugar?” I bit his finger causing it to bleed, “YOU BITCH!” he slapped me, then grabbed Kendall, “come on now, it’s time for me to become satisfied!” he started to drag Kendall away, I screamed and lunged at the man “NO!” I crashed tackled him to the ground, he let go of Kendall who fled to the other side of the room.

The man and I rolled around fighting, throwing punches, Big Teddy just stood there in amusement. I lifted my fist and punched the man straight in the nose, “YOU TOUCH HER YOU DIE!” I belted at him, he just laughed, “you sound just like your brother!” he flipped me and sat on top of me, he raised to punch me, I didn’t even flinch, I just flipped him over again, standing up, I started to kick the shit out of him. He grabbed my ankle and pulled it in an awkward direction; I fell to my knees screaming out in pain. But that didn’t stop me, I got up again, but this time not putting any weight on that foot, “you’re strong willed aren’t you?” he sized me up, I raised my fists, ready to fight him.

“It seems that we may just have to break an unbreakable object!”  I scowled and turned doing a roundhouse kick to his head, he caught my foot, bringing his elbow doing on my knee, I yelped out in pain. I whacked a nerve in his neck with my hand, he cried out letting go of my leg, clutching his neck. I stood in a stance waiting for his next move. He charged at me, I grabbed his arm and slung it over my shoulder, using his weight against him, I flipped him over his back, he groaned as his body smacked on the ground. My ankle and knee was screaming out in pain. But I put on a brave face, for Kendall’s sake.

He stood up again, he spat blood out of his mouth, “I’ll give you credit, you fight better than your brother and you are obviously a lot stronger!” if I wasn’t so pissed I would’ve taken that as a complement, “but unfortunately, you are not as strong as me!” he lifted me up off my feet and slung me over his back, he then flung me on the ground. He lifted his elbow and tried to jump down on me, I just rolled out of the way. I stood up again, panting, he wiggled his eyebrows, sending a flying kick to my stomach, I caught the kick and twisted his leg, using his pain theory, I punched down on his knee cap….

“ENOUGH!” big teddy roared, he pushed us away from each other, “I won’t let my best drug seller and my best body guard kill themselves!”  Big teddy pulled me away, while I was kicking and screaming insulting things at the Russian man……


Sorry fellows

But this is the last chapter

Next chapter is an epilogue


Thanks for everyone who read this story

But if you actually bother to read this, there is going to be a sequel!


Love you lots



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