Chap. 5 Flying Football

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Picture of Loraine is above!

(Rebecca's POV)

"You do understand that when you're not dancing you still represent the dance team, right? Your behavior is inexcusable and because of that there are consequences!" I flinched at the last word that Ms. Brooks said.

She was scolding us in front of the whole dance team which was so embarrassing! Poor Loraine looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here, Scarlett was angry (as usual), and I tried to be strong for the three of us. Yet it was hard to keep my face composed when Ms. Brooks looked scary when she got mad. It was as if you were looking at that ugly mean principal from Matilda!

"So what are the consequences?" I asked calmly, scratching my head. It was a habit of mine whenever I was in a situation I felt uncomfortable.

Ms. Brooks looked at each of us thoughtfully touching her chin for like a minute and then said, "Well, I can't kick you girls out of the team because you're the ones that actually know how to dance." She whispered so the other girls couldn't hear, which I thought was wrong of her to do.

But what the hell? We're still in the team and that's all that matters.

"So does that mean I'm still Co-Captain?" Scarlett asked anxiously.

I knew she was delighted that we were still in the team, but I knew her position meant more to her.

"Yes, you're still Co-Captain Scarlett." Ms. Brooks nodded stiffly. "But you, Rebecca, and Loraine will not perform this Friday's pep rally and football game. That's your punishment."

"What?!" we all said in unison.

It was our first pep rally this year which meant that everyone would be going wild (especially the freshmen) and it would be fun to perform in front of everyone. This cannot be happening!

"But it's the first game." Loraine debated, looking at Ms, Brooks pleadingly.

"Yeah," agreed Scarlett. "And the team needs me."

Ms. Brooks shrugged. "I'm sorry girls, but your behavior today was not appropriate. Besides, if I let you off easy the principal would be very disappointed with me."

I nodded comprehending.

Every teacher was afraid of Principal Giordano. He was Italian....and you know what they say about Italian people when they're mad...

"Alright, so if we won't be performing this week, do you still want us to come to practice?" I asked.

"Of course," she nodded. "Since you girls can't rehearse with us you will be running around the football field six times all this week is that understood?"

Six times?! Was she crazy?! I could barely do one, let alone six!

"Can we run one time instead?" Loraine asked sheepishly, playing with her fingers. "You see, I'm on my period," she began to clutch onto her stomach. "And I have really bad cramps... "

I mentally laughed.

She was pretending to have her period because I knew she and I had it on the same day, which was two weeks from now.

"Loraine, I've heard that excuse from you so many times and I'm not falling for it. Now go run or I'll add an extra lap!"

Loraine curse under her breath as we began running our first lap. "This is so not cool!" she whined. "We're running in front of hot guys! Just shoot me right now!"

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