Chap. 3 Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice?

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(Rebecca’s POV)

It was the last week of summer before school started. I was working day and night on a new outfit I’d be wearing the first day of school. My mom being the ‘cool’ mom, (or so she likes to call herself) was helping me design it.

“Hold the sleeve on this side.” She ordered, as she delicately sewed the side of the other sleeve.

I did as I was told and waited patiently for her to finish. Minutes later, and she finish sewing the sleeve.

“Now you just have to sew the other one and we’re done!” I exclaimed delighted.

 My mother nodded and began working away on the last sleeve.

“So honey,” she said after a while. “Who is the lucky guy you’re trying to impress?”

I frowned.

Now why would she think such a thing? Just because I was into fashion and school was like a runway to me, did not mean I wanted to impress anybody.

“No one,” I replied.

She pouted in disappointment, but then her frown was replaced with a grin.

Oh boy, she’s definitely thinking of something.

“What about the secret admire you’ve had since freshmen year?”

I shook my head.

If I actually knew who the guy was and how he looked like, chances were I’d probably be trying to impress him. But I didn’t know who he was, so what was the point?

“Mom, I don’t even know who the guy is.”

“Well why don’t you and Loraine try finding out?” she asked. “Both of you have an admire and can help each other out.

I sighed.

Maybe she was right. It’d be pretty cool and interesting in finding out who the guys were. But what about once we know who they are and there not what we expect? What would Loraine and I do then? I know for a fact we wouldn’t want to break their hearts for everything they’ve done. I mean, they’ve literally made our high school years full of mystery, yet fun. If it weren’t for them, I don’t think I would ever believe in love.

“Maybe you’re right.” I nodded. “I’m going to give a call to Loraine and tell her we need to do some investigating.”

Before my mother could respond, I quickly stood up from the floor and made my way out of the attic.

(Loraine’s POV)

“Mom have you seen Lipstick’s food?!” I shouted for like the tenth time.  

At the moment I couldn’t find my pet fish’s food. Now I know what you’re probably thinking, why in the world would I name a fish Lipstick?! Well the answer is pretty simple. You see, my older brother Derek gave her to me when I had just turned 14. I know, my fish is old, but I love her! He knew I wanted a pet so bad and since he wasn’t a fan of cats or dogs, he decided to get me a fish. Unfortunately, I don’t know what kind of fish she is; but what I do know is that she’s been here with me for nearly three years. You might think I’m crazy and all, but I love her so much. The reasons why, is because I can count on her whenever I’m mad at my friends or family, I can tell her all of my secrets without her judging, and talk to her whenever I’m having a bad day. She’s a good listener and that’s pretty much I need.

But that is not why I named her Lipstick. I named her Lipstick because when I met her, her lips were a red salsa color. Sadly though, her red lips faded off and turned white about a year ago. I think it’s because she’s getting old….

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