Chap. 16 Behind our back

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Rebecca's Picture is above!

A/N: Hello everyone! Here is another update!! Yay!!! I hope you guys enjoy! Vote by pressing on the little star :) I would really appreciate it! Also comment what was your favorite part, what do you want me to write more about and what not!!! :D Alright...on to the story!!!

(Rebecca's POV)

It was Saturday night and the girls (Loraine and Scarlett) and I were in Jozyah's room waiting for Dawn and her gang to arrive.

Jozyah decided to make a slumber party where we would plan out a way to capture the admirers to figure out who they were.

I mean, how long were they going to continue hiding through the shadows? Senior year was almost over and Loraine and I have yet to know who these guys are!

"Where are these girls?" Jozyah looked at his watch and began walking back and forth in his room impatiently. "I invited these girls two hours early because I knew they'd be late and they still manage to be late anyways!"

Dawn and her gang are the type of girls that don't like to be ordered around, so if Jozyah forced them to be here at a certain time, it was more likely that they were arriving later on purpose to get him mad.

"Maybe they got stuck in a fight or something." I suggested, even though I was pretty sure with my theory...

"I swear, those girls are going to be the death of me." He mumbled to himself.

Twenty minutes later and Dawn and her gang finally arrived.

"Hey." They all gave us a nod as they nonchalantly threw themselves in Jozyah's king sized bed as if they owned it.

Scoffing, Jozyah put a hand on his hip.

"What do you mean 'hey'?" he air quoted furiously.

Uh. Oh.

Stuff was about to go down!

"You girls practically took three hours to arrive when you should have been here since nine! By now, we could have all been in our pj's, eating junk food and ice cream and been watching Netflix because that's how we roll!"

"Amen." Leave it to Loraine to pitch in her two cents.

Dawn, Screwy, Snake Eyes, and Bugs looked at anything but Jozyah.

"Are you done with your bitch fit?" Questioned Dawn, as she looked at her nails uninterested.

Jozyah only glared at her.

The air was getting thicker as the minutes when by... Jozyah was mumbling all sorts of profanities to Dawn and her gang, while they began to throw daggers at him.

Someone had to step in and be the peacemaker and that someone was going to be me.

I knew Loraine wouldn't step in because she herself is afraid of the girls...and don't let me get started with Scarlett! Scarlett would probably be choosing sides and stirring up more drama.

Sighing I stood up from the sofa bed where I was sitting with Loraine and Scarlett and clasped my hands together loudly to get their attention.

"Okay," I began a little nervously. "Well thank you girls for coming today." I chuckled a bit to ease the tension...but that didn't really work because they were all still glaring at Jozyah. "The reason why Jozyah here," I gestured towards him and saw that he had his arms crossed and was looking away madly. "Thought of hosting this fabulous sleepover," oh gosh...why did I participate in being the peacemaker again? "Is to figure out who the admirers that both Loraine and I have."

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