Chap. 10 Diarrhea

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Zane's picture is above!

(Loraine's POV)

"Did those boys hit you baby?" my mother concerned touched my twin brother's face and turned it side to side to look for any sign of bruising or swelling.

Logan whined while some of his friends who were close by to hear my mom laughed. "Stop embarrassing mom..." he gently took my mom's hand away from his face. "I'm fine. The bastard Luke barely even touched me." my mother frowned at the word 'bastard'. "Besides," Logan continued. "Luke's mother is the one that should be worried; I practically knocked him out."

My older brother Derek and Logan pounded each other with their fist and began to laugh. Derek was congratulating Logan on using one of the moves he had taught him.

"How is 'practically knocking him out' funny?" questioned Julie who was beside me. "Derek," she looked at our brother furiously. "You being older than Logan should set a good example and not applaud him when he does something wrong."

Derek rolled his eyes and looked at her. "Well did you expect our little brother here," he ruffled Logan's sweaty hair. "To not defend himself and get his ass kicked?"

"Oh boy..." my mother sighed putting a hand to her face in disappointment. "Here we go again. Loraine," she looked at me. "Hand me one of your pom-poms to hide my face and avoid the embarrassment."

I rolled my eyes at her dramatic remark.

She hated whenever Derek and Julie fought. She had enough seeing Logan and me fighting all the time, that she didn't need my older siblings to do the same.

"No." Julie shook her head. "I just don't think it is right of you to tell him that he did well in almost knocking him out. What if he would've killed him? Would you congratulate him then?"

"Oh now you're just being dramatic Jules!" Derek threw his hands up in the air (something that Logan inherited from him, which Derek inherited from dad). "Why do you always have to make everything into a big deal?"

As they continued arguing and creating a crowd around them, I decided to turn around and leave to look for Rebecca and Scarlett who had went looking for their parents to tell them who knows what.

"Where are you going missy?" my mother asked before I could take off.

I turned around slowly to look at her and answered, "I'm going to look for Rebecca and Scarlett to leave with them."

She shook her head. "No you're not. You're leaving with us home."

I frowned.

Now why is she making me go home? I already had plans with my friends.

"But mom-

"No buts." She gestured with her index finger side to side. "After hearing from your brother that those Ault Town boys were bullying you and your friends I'm scared that they're going to try looking for you girls and want to do something to you all. I already texted Rebecca's and Scarlett's mom so they're taking their daughters home as well."

Disappointedly, I grabbed my bag that had my dance things and walked with my mother to the exit leaving my siblings behind who were still fighting.

The next day I woke up to the sound of my phone.

Tiredly, without opening my eyes I grabbed my phone that was in my nightstand right next to my bed and answered it without checking who it was.

"Hello?" I answered groggily and gave a big yawn.

Who the hell was waking me up so early in the morning?

"Loraine, its Zane."

Upon realizing who it was my eyes shot open and sat up.

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