Chap. 19 Don't be such a Drama Queen

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Loraine in Above picture!

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(Loraine's POV)

It was Homecoming week at our school and everybody was excited.

Well...everybody except for Rebecca and I.

"I can't believe no one has asked us to homecoming!" I whined frustrated, throwing my spiral notebook on our lunch table. "I mean, I'm not that ugly, am I?"

Rebecca and Scarlett shook their heads immediately.

Good...they knew how to answer that question.

"Then how come no one has asked me yet?" I looked more towards Rebecca for an answer because I knew Scarlett would probably give me an answer that I wouldn't like.

"Because they're too intimidated to ask a beautiful, funny, and intelligent girl like you." Rebecca smiled at me and just about made me want to cry with her compliment.

"Aww Rebecca!" Cooing I hugged her. "Oh stop it!" I waved at her with my right hand. "You're too sweet!"

"Or maybe no one has asked you because they already have a date." Scarlett had to pitch in her two freaken cents. "Did you ever think of that?"

Rolling my eyes I sneered at her.

"Really Scar? Did you have to burst the happy bubble I was in?"

She shrugged.

"I was just saying." She then sipped on her orange juice like nobody's business.

"But seriously, no one has asked us to homecoming." I continued with my very important problem that I had to fix asap. "Last year it was the same and the two years before that it was as well...something tells me there's an inside job of someone telling every guy in this school to not ask us."

Rebecca chuckled.

"You watch too many movies Loraine." She said. "I honestly do think that if no one has asked you its because you really do intimidate them. You just about get a long with everyone! Well...except the cheerleaders, but still, when a person is outgoing people assume that they have a date or are in a relationship already."

"You think so?" I questioned, still feeling doubtful.

"I'm pretty sure." She nodded her head. "But don't worry Lori, if no one asks us we'll be each others date."

I didn't want to be mean and tell her it would be the same like every other year, so I nodded in agreement.

Anyone that went to my room would see that in my walls I have Homecoming pictures with Rebecca as my date and no one else. That's how much of a loser I am because I can't find a date.

What if that also happens to me this year at prom?

"Yeah, that's always awesome!" I did my best trying to sound enthusiastic.

"So Scarlett, you're gonna go with Diego to the homecoming dance, right?" Rebecca looked at her who was texting away on her phone.

She nodded without looking up.


Diego and her had been getting along very well at work that it was no surprise when he invited her to our homecoming.

Although Diego was a nice guy and all, I still shipped both Scarlett and Zane all the way.

You know when you see a couple and you think that they look like soul mates?

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