Chapter 11: Sleepover

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It didn't take too long, but everyone began to reach Chazz's place. They were all wearing some kind of pajama shirt and pants, they also had a little bag on their backs, carrying random stuff. Everyone walked in to see Chazz sitting on his couch, there were about 3 in the room. 

"Took you guys long enough." He said, everyone seemed to ignore him. 

"MIndy, Jasmine, what did you plan on eating for dinner." Syrus asked. Mindy and Jasmine froze and started freaking out.

"OMG! How did we forget food!" Mindy yelled, Jasmine was still freaking out, she just didn't say anything. They were trying to think of a solution.

"Hey Chazz." Nightshade said. "This place got a kitchen?"

"Yeah, but it's empty. I don't use it."

"Alright." Nightshade walked over to Jasmine and Mindy. "I got this. So calm down." He walked to the door, but turned around before he left. "What do you guys want to eat?"

Mindy and Jasmine looked at each other. "Pizza, chips and some soda." Mindy said. "Is everyone fine with that?" They all nodded.

"Get Fanta!" Jaden yelled. Nightshade just shrugged and nodded, walking out the door.

Jaden thought to himself for moment. "Wait. Where the hell is he going to get this stuff?"

Jaden quickly stood up and ran towards the door and looked outside, Nightshade was gone. He closed the door and walked back inside. Everyone was fine, but they all realized the same thing Jaden did.

"Wait. Where is he gonna get that stuff? There's no place on the island that sells it." Syrus said. 

"Oh. He can fly." Rose explained. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy.

"What do you mean 'He can fly'?" Alexis asked.

"He can focus his energy onto his back, making wings. He uses them to fly around." Rose said.

"Can any of you do that?" Jesse asked pointing towards Mecha, Dawn, Dusk, Lapis and Rose.

"We can't focus our energy like he can." Lapis said. "We use out duel spirits."

"You all have duel spirits?" Hasselberry asked. Lapis nodded and shuffled through her bag, pulling out a duel monsters card. "I use Valkyrion the Magna Warrior." Everyone was surprised to see her with such a rare card. "My little brother and I use a Frost and Flame Dragon." Dawn said, holding up the card. "And I use my Sky Scourge Enrise." Rose said. "Mecha uses a Chaos Ancient Gear Giant. But he doesn't show it off much." 

"I bet Crowler doesn't have that." Jaden said. 

Everyone was sitting watching whatever was on Chazz's tv, waiting for Nightshade to come back. Alexis and Jaden were sitting on a love seat, with Alexis being curled into Jaden's side. Everyone else was either sitting on one of the couches, or on the floor. Rose was getting kinda anxious waiting for Nightshade, so she walked over to Axel, who was sitting on the floor, and sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulders. He didn't know what she doing, but he didn't really care, so he left her alone. 

"Where the hell is he?" Chazz yelled. "It's been half an hour and I'm getting really hungry."

"He's probably on his way back now." Jaden said. He glanced over to Rose, who had he arms wrapped around Axel's. She was shaking a little, she looked worried. Jaden got up and walked over to her, taking her off of Axel and moving her to the couch with him and Alexis. "He'll be fine." He whispered into her ear. She smiled and snuggled up into Jaden's left side, while Alexis did the same to his right. He wrapped his arms around both of the girls, gently stroking their hair. Everyone was quiet, waiting for Nightshade. They heard a loud gust of air, like a heavy wingbeat outside the door. Rose's ears perked up and she ran outside the door, slamming it behind herself. Jaden, Alexis and Jesse walk out the door soon after Rose did, they went outside to find Rose wrapped around Nightshade, her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Her lips were stuck to his, he noticed Jaden, Alexis and Jesse staring, so he fluttered his black, feathered wings, and wrapped them around Rose's back, covering up their kiss.

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