[ five ]

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[ five ] 

So the deal was no more perverts around Theo (excluding Michael, of course, because he was growing kind of fond of the girl for some weird reason), and in return, no summer school for Michael.

Except it didn't exactly work out very well. Although Michael had done his part, it also meant that he had to fill the void of the assholes that Theo was missing.

So his solution to getting the guys off of her back was putting his arm around her at any given point, kissing her cheek, walking her to class, admiring her ass (although she didn't know about that part), and whatever else was necessary to "play the part."

And, well, she let him, because what else was she supposed to do? Push him off and let the others come crawling back?

Eventually, she started playing along, too.

"Bluebird," she called, "could you be the best boyfriend ever and get me a milk from the cafeteria, please?" She made sure to say the word 'boyfriend' loudly enough so that the people around them could hear. 

Michael rolled his eyes at her, knowing exactly what she was trying to do. Ignoring his better judgment, he just whispered to her, "You don't have to call me 'Bluebird' just because I dyed my hair blue, girlfriend." Then he got up to get her milk.

And meanwhile, Theo's table was bombarded with all the dipshits who wouldn't dare approach her while Michael was around.

As they started being their normal selves while around her, she rolled her eyes and looked for Michael, not realizing how dependent she really was on him.

"Michael!" she called, trying to sound sweet, but gritting her teeth in reality.

Michael, who had been coming back with her milk, jogged toward the table. "Save the screaming my name for later, baby." Then, turning to the table, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Problem here, boys?"

They got up from the table one by one, sneaking glances at Theo as they left, then saying, "Nope, no problem here."

"I thought so," he said.

As they left and Michael sat back down, Theo excused herself to the restroom.

And there she found one of her sidekicks, Gretchen Wieners. Nope, just kidding. Her name was Elizabeth, and she reminded Theo way too much of herself.

Except Elizabeth cared about people a lot more than Theo did.

"I'm worried about you, Theo," said Elizabeth in concern as Theo reapplied her makeup in the mirror.

Theo snorted. "Worried about me? I've never been better. Michael is like an asshole-repulser."

"You're totally letting him manipulate you!"

"Manipulate me?" Theo stopped running her lip gloss over her lips and turned to Elizabeth, genuinely confused. "How is he manipulating me?"

"Remember that time he asked you to 'revise' his essay and you ended up completely rewriting it?"

Theo gave Elizabeth a look. "That was my own choice, Lizzie."

"He's manipulating you and you depend on him to keep the assholes away," Elizabeth concluded.

"You don't get it - that's not it at all." Theo put the cap back over the mascara and turned toward Elizabeth, giving her her full attention. "The thing is, he'll never be able to manipulate me, because, whether he likes it or not, I don't - and never will - need him."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and walked to the bathroom door. "Just keep telling yourself that."



ok so i asked my aussie friends (im so popular) and they said that they say "ass" not "arse" in aus so its all good yall



spencer (calum - book one of this series) and there for you (luke) have been put in the 5sos wattys on @crisscrossdirection's acc !!!! im so excited guys this is amazing. voting starts aug 6 and ends aug 15 based on us time and you defintely DO NOT have to vote for me, i really want the votes to be genuine so only vote if you liked the stories and you want to :)

spencer categories: distinguished plot, best feels, best calum

there for you categories: best feels, best luke

it's actually kinda funny bc theyre up against each other for best feels haha


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