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"I'm so tired" Veronica complained laying her head down on the counter of the table we were currently sitting at, Jacob rolled his eyes.

"We've only been here for thirty minutes and your already complaining" Jacob stated. Veronica gave him a death stare and Jacob rolled his eyes once again.

"Hey wanna share the mozzarella sticks with me?" Kaden asked pointing at the mozzarella sticks on the menu.

"Sure why not?" I said shrugging my shoulders. Kaden was sitting by me and Veronica and Jacob sat by each other. I don't know why it was like this, but I have a suspicion.

"Tired!" Veronica pleaded. Jacob looked over at her and wrapped his arms around her.

"It's ok baby just lay your head on me and fall asleep" Jacob said smirking, Veronica looked up at him and I couldn't believe what she did next.

She actually laid her head on his shoulder. "never call me baby again or else next time I'll hurt you" Veronica said with her eyes closed.

"Ya whatever" Jacob mumbled. Kaden smiled and made a heart with his hands, Jacob saw it and nodded his head smiling.

"Well forget the mozzarella sticks, wanna go play some arcade games?" Kaden asked raising a eyebrow.

"Sure why not" I said getting up from my seat, Kaden followed behind me. We walked towards the millions of arcade games.

"Which one do you wanna play?" Kaden asked me, I shrugged my shoulders, Kaden's eyes lit up and he walked towards a game, I decided to follow.

Kaden grabbed a token out of his back pocket and inserted it into the slot for the tokens.

He started to play and press the keys, I watched his hand movements, gosh he's surely good at video games.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up Snapchat, I took a video of Kaden being so focused on the video game.

Got to love him ❤

Once the video posted onto my story I placed my phone in my pocket so I could watch Kaden some more.

"Wow your good" I said looking at his character on the screen.

"Thanks" he whispered still keeping his focus on the screen. "I know you took a video of me, I'll see it later" Kaden added. I immediately smiled, I think I was developing feelings for Kaden.

"Damnit!" Kaden said quite loudly, some people even look at him weirdly, Kaden covered his mouth and faced me.

"Sorry" he muffled, it was hard to hear it because his hand was covering his mouth. So his words were muffled.

"It's ok" I said patting his shoulder. Kaden smiled then bent down to grab his tickets that were coming out of the game.

"Wanna just go sit at that table and talk?" Kaden asked pointing at a table with two chairs in a small corner. I nodded my head and walked over to the table.

I sat down in one chair and Kaden sat down in the other. I grabbed my phone and my notifications for my social media apps were crazy!

I widened my eyes in shock and my mouth was partly open. I sighed and placed my phone on the table.

"You ok there?" Kaden asked me. I looked up at him and saw him twiddling his thumbs. I shook my head no and waited for him to ask why?

"Why?" I almost laughed out loud, because I saw that coming.

"Taylor posted a picture of me on social media and told the whole world we are Sister's" I said twirling a strand of my blonde golden hair around my ring finger.

"That's not that bad" Kaden admitted. "And now my social medias blowing up and there's already articles about me online, and paparazzi might follow me everywhere" I added.

"That sucks" Kaden whispered, I nodded my head agreeing to his two words. It was now silence between the both of us.

"I broke up with Melody after school today" Kaden said breaking the silence between the both of us. I raised a eyebrow confused on why he did it, I know he said he was planning on it today. But I didn't think it would be so soon.

"I know your probably wondering why, it's because I got another girl on my mind" Kaden added, I looked down and wished Kaden never told me this, because there's a other girl on his mind, that's probably not me.

"Oh" I said with a tone of disappointment in my voice. "What's she like?" I asked out of curiosity.

Kaden shrugged his shoulders slightly. "She's beautiful, has a amazing personality you know, I just like everything about her" Kaden said.

"Oh ok" I said quietly. Kaden looked directly into my eyes and smiled.

"And it's you" he said. My heart just melted.


Aww so cute! Who's shipping this already? Comment down below if you ship it!

Anyways I still want to know if I should make a sequel comment for me please!!

Bye for now!


Is She Really My Sister? ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang