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I'm honestly don't feel the best right now I literally woke up at two in the morning to throw up yesterday's lunch, that was disgusting Taylor saw what I did and automatically decided I was not going to school Thank God!

I honestly didn't want to face anybody at school anyways I was literally mad at Kaden for some reason...I actually forgot why. And I don't want everyone staring at me like I'm a piece of crap on the bottom of their shoe i already had to deal with that enough at my old school.

I grabbed my phone of the charger thankfully it was fully charged so it would last me basically all day, I had a few text messages from Veronica and Jacob and one from Kaden.

I opened the ones from Veronica.

Veronica: Hey where are you?
Veronica: Are you sick..😨
Veronica: sorry if you are hope you feel better.
Veronica: and you won't believe what I just found out!!

I read through all the messages and began typing up a long almost paragraph of why I'm sick and other crap.

Tess: hey sorry for getting back to you so late I'm sick as you could probably already know I threw up and Taylor decided I wouldn't go to school and thanks for the feel better message 😊 and what did you find out I'm actually dying to know!

Once I sent that message I decided to open Jacobs messages and see what he texted me about.

Jacob: Hey Tess! How come your not at school today are you sick?

Jacob: and Do you know how Kaden ended up in the hospital?

When I saw the last text message I read through it over and over again. Kaden is in the hospital how?

Tess: yes I'm sick you just won a grand prize for getting the correct answer! Yay...anyways WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO KADEN!

I sent the message and opened Karen's message I was honestly so scared what I was going to read because how the heck did Kaden get in the hospital.

Kaden: hello this is Kaden's mother I was wondering since your a good friend of his, if you would like to come visit Kaden in the hospital he's been asking for all of his friends if you can not I understand thank for reading though

I immediately began typing away I need to ask Taylor if I could visit Kaden in the hospital after all he is my friend.

Tess: I would love to visit him I'm currently staying home since I'm sick but I'm feeling better and I'll see what time I can visit. Don't tell Kaden though I want it to be a surprise! 🎉

I shut my phone off and ran downstairs and saw Taylor in her lazy day clothes on a couch eating a bowl of fruity pebbles cereal.

"Taylor" I asked her hoping she wasn't giving me the silent treatment after what happened last night. "Yes?" Taylor asked with her mouth full of fruity pebbles.

"I know I'm supposed to be sick..but could I visit a friend in the hospital he's a really good friend of mine" I begged her, Taylor looked at me her face looked perplexed then a little worried.

"Well since its a emergency fine but I'm busy today so cool a uber and they should pick you up, because I have a photoshoot today at one so I'll be gone when you come back" Taylor told me, I nodded my head and hugged her and thanked her for letting me see Kaden.

I ran up to my room and grabbed a pair of jeans and a baby pink sweater and some Nike slides to go with the outfit, as you could tell I really didn't care what I wore to the hospital.

I grabbed my phone and typed in the ubers number I told them where I was located and what time to pick me up at I hung up and grabbed my mini backpack and went downstairs and waited by the front door as patiently as I could.

About five minutes later the uber showed up and I ran out the door and got in the uber as soon as possible.

"Where to?" The uber driver asked me, "the hospital, the local one in New York" I explained.

"Got it!" And just like that he sped off to the hospital.


So I will try to update this book as much as i can I'm just trying to finish a lot of books right now as you can tell I already finished two I just need to finish a few more before I start new books hopefully you guys understand!


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