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My alarm beeped and I slammed my hand against it making it stop I sat up and stretched my arms and yawned tiredly this is one thing I don't like about school waking up early.

I walked to my closet and grabbed a a sweater like tank top and some short shorts and some maroon converse to match my shirt I curl my hair and put on makeup and walked down stairs. Taylor is already dressed and ready to take me to school.

" I made you some eggs eat up " she says handing me the plate.

I smile and eat the eggs slowly because i have enough time, I finish my eggs and put the dish in the sink and grab my backpack ready for school.

Taylor grabs her car keys and we both walk out the door into her car and Taylor drives me to school.

Once we get there Taylor pulls up to the curb and smiles slightly even she looks more nervous than I do.

" you gonna be okay if not call me and I'll pick you up asap! " she says.

I smile and place my hand on hers she smiles.

" I'll be fine bye Tay " I say leaving the car I walk into the school and my heart is pumping five hundred times a second.

I walk down the hall looking for my locker than I finally approach my locker I enter my combination and it opens. I put my bag in there and grab my supplies for my first class then before you know it the bell rings and every body rushes down the halls to their lockers.

I slam my locker Shut and walk to class almost everyone's staring at me ( even the boys ) I walk into the classroom and introduce my self to the teacher.

" Hi I'm Tessa Swift " I said smiling.

The teacher looks up from her desk and smiles at me.

" You must be the New student nice to meet you I'm Mrs.Honecker " she says

" nice to meet you where could I sit? " I ask the teacher.

" anywhere its the first day of the year " the teacher says.

I nod my head and sit down in the middle row everyone starts filing in and I'm a nervous wreck on the inside and on the outside I'm happy as Tessa could be.

People start staring at me even the girls wishing they could be me.

A girl with brown curly hair walks up to me and smiles at me.

" hi " she says all happy.

" hi I'm Tessa " I say .

" Veronica but you can call me V " she says smiling.

" what lunch do you have? " she ask curious.

I look down at my paper and the word C is on my paper I look up at her and smiled.

" C " I say.

She looks all happy and claps her hands.

" yay me to " she says again then a guys pops out from behind her.

" Hey  cutie " he says.

He has blonde hair and has athletic clothing on him and he has a beautiful smile.

" hi " I say smiling.

" don't mind Jacob he's just being typical Jacob she says pointing at the blonde hair guy " Veronica says.

" sit by me and my friends at lunch we would love a new table buddy " she says.

" ya it would be nice " Jacob says.

The bell rings and everyone rushes to their seat so they won't be counted as tardy.

I think school won't be that bad.

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