Esme's Return to Avalor

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A/N: Set right after The Curse of Princess Ivy special.

3rd person:

Esme felt something weird happening to her after Miranda and Roland's anniversary ball celebration. Today marked a year after Sofia put on the amulet, and today was the day she would return to Avalor. Esme knew that she was going home, so she had to pack. She knew that Alacazar's magic could send her any minute, and she wanted to be ready for when it did.

Esme looked at all her pictures that she had with Roland, James, Miranda, Amber and Sofia. She gently placed each one in her bag, making the bed so the maids wouldn't have to. Then, she tidied up some and went to bid her adoptive siblings goodnight. She said goodnight to James, Amber and Sofia. She bade Roland and Miranda goodnight and then she went back to her room, grabbing her things before sneaking out of the castle and into the gardens.

Esme was consumed by a ruby pink smoke and ended up passing out. She was still unconscious as she ended up in Avalor, on the couch of Rafa de Alma and her son Mateo, descendants of Alacazar. Meanwhile in Enchancia, Roland went to check on his children. After checking on Sofia, Amber and James, he went to Esme's room. "Esme? Darling are you awake?" He asked stepping in after he knocked. He was confused to see her bed all tidied up, her pictures missing and Esme not in bed.

"Esme?" He asked going to check the library. No Esme. He checked everywhere he thought she'd be, but she wasn't anywhere. He panicked, fearing that someone had taken one of his precious princesses. "Guards. Guards!" He called immediately. Miranda was already trailing down the hall to get to him. "Rollie what happened?" She asked worriedly. The royal guards came and saluted the king. "Princess Esme is missing. We will start a search in the morning in Dunwiddie. Ask around if anyone has seen the princess. I will alert the other kings and queens of the Tri-Kingdom Area, as well." He instructed.

Miranda gently grasped his shoulder as she heard her husband's soft sobs. "Oh Rollie. I'm so sorry. We'll find her, I promise." She said softly. The pitter patter of little feet could be heard. "Dad what's wrong?" Came James' tired yet worried voice. There, before the king and queen, were their three beloved children. Sofia, Amber and James were all tired but couldn't stand to see their father cry. "Oh Daddy." Amber whimpered softly, rushing to hug him, Sofia and James not far behind her. Roland hugged his children and kissed each of their heads. "Oh my children. Everything's gonna be alright. Esme's missing, and we need to find her. Now, please, go back to bed. I'll let you know if we find out anything in the morning." He said softly.

After settling into bed once his children went back to bed, Roland rummaged to get out his favorite picture of Esme, which was stored in his lucky pocket watch. "I'll bring you home, Esme." He promised softly. He'd find her; he just had to find her.

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