Chanuls, Reunions, and... Dancing?

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Sofia smiled widely as Skylar, Luna, and Migs flew to an older-looking house that was resting in the mountainous region of Avalor.

Sofia immediately recognized it as Alacazar's house – it was the same house he'd shown Sofia during his telling of "The Lost Princesses of Avalor."

When the three jaquins landed in front of the gates, Sofia hopped off of Skylar's back. This caused the orange and blue jaquin to stretch, still not used to carrying people on his back.

"Whew! That was a workout."

Looking back at the gates, Sofia knocked on one of them, but received no answer. So, she knocked a second time... and knocked a little louder than she had the first time.

Soon, Sofia was greeted by Alacazar's daughter, Rafa.

"Hello," the woman greeted kindly. "Can I help you?"

Sofia gave the older woman a small wave. "Hi. Uh, was this Alacazar's house?"

"Alacazar?" Rafa questioned. "I'm sorry, but he has not lived here for many years."

Rafa began closing the gate, but Sofia wasn't giving up so easily.

"I know, but maybe you can help me. I need to summon his chanul."

"I don't know what that is, but I'm afraid you won't find it here. Good day now," the woman said before closing the gate.

"Well, that could've gone better." Skylar commented to the young princess.

"How do you know what a chanul is?" A new voice asked Sofia.

The aforementioned princess and Skylar both turned to the side, being greeted by a tall, lanky boy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

His name? Mateo.

"Oh, well..." Sofia began as she walked with Skylar towards this new stranger.

"That was my mom you were just talking to. I'm Mateo," the boy greeted with a shake of his hand.

Sofia seemed to recognize something about Mateo. "Wait. You're Alacazar's grandson?"

"You know my grandfather?" Mateo questioned, raising an eyebrow suspiciously at Sofia.

"Uh, sort of. My name is Sofia. I know this might sound strange but your grandfather sent me here to free Princess Elena."

"Princess Elena?!" Mateo repeated, his voice laced with shock. "Wait. That means... that's the Amulet of Avalor," the aspiring wizard realized as his eyes settled upon the jewel that hung around Sofia's neck.

"Yes. How did you know?" Sofia pondered.

"My mother told me the story so many times, I memorized it. Follow me," Mateo urged Sofia.

"Where are we going?" Sofia asked as she followed Mateo past the corner he'd turned.

"To my workshop," Mateo answered.

With Skylar, Luna, and Migs following behind her, Sofia followed Mateo to a wooden wheel pressed against the stone wall. Mateo pushed the wheel aside, revealing a small hole in the wall.

Crouching down, Mateo crawled into the hole. Sofia glanced towards the jaquins, knowing that she had to follow the older boy if she was going to free Elena.

"Wish me luck," she said before also crawling through the small hole in the wall.

She was not expecting what happened next at all.

/ / /

Mateo was holding a lantern as he led Sofia down a long stone staircase.

"It's a long way down," Sofia commented.

Sofia the First:  Elena and Esmeralda and the Secret of Avalor Where stories live. Discover now