(52.2)When White met Black

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'I want you to know that even when you thought your whole world had crashed and burned, that mine was going up in flames too- and I enjoyed every minute of it...'  

When White met Black (Part 2)

"Thank you for taking me to see her

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"Thank you for taking me to see her."

"Of course." Thanatos smiled up at the stars. His hand was tucked under his head and the other intertwined with mine.

We were lying under the stars, on one of Thanatos' old sailboats. The lake around his palace was calm and as smooth as a mirror. Crickets lit up the still night with lively chirps and the cool breeze blew in over our heads, filling the air with the scent of pine, moss and salt.

I tucked my head deeper into the crook of his neck and listened to his breathing. The sailboat swayed steadily on the tranquil water and the stars were bright with a silent white.

"This is nice..." I whispered up at the darkened sky.

Thanatos nodded his head and whispered back, his voice equally calming; "We haven't had time to ourselves in a while."

He was right- for the past two months; our lives were filled with the aftermath of the battle. There were constantly people around us, duties to do and meetings to attend. Not a moment went by that we weren't busy with some or other matter. And when we were alone, we weren't really. Trimorphe and Shadow were constantly playing around and looking for attention. We'd spoiled them a bit too much and now they thought our bed was theirs too.

The passion never faded though. Oh, far from. Even when we couldn't be intimate in bed, perhaps because Trimorphe couldn't stop snoring or Shadow kept hogging the sheets, we'd find other places. Thanatos never made me feel like he'd lost his lust for me- it was quite the opposite really.

The same could be said for me. Every day I found him more and more attractive, if that was even possible. We were more in love than we were at the start and how we'd kept developing our relationship to new heights and spheres was beyond me. It was just so natural and effortless.

And soon, he would be my husband.

"Look there..." Thanatos' pointed up to the heavens and I followed his long finger up. "Orion's belt."

I examined the sky and found three beautifully aligned stars. They were bright and easy to identify. "Is that the Andromeda constellation there?" I asked as my finger showed him where to look.

Thanatos nodded and used his hand to tilt my finger a bit to the right by just a fraction. "And there you have the Pegasus constellation."

"Did you have to learn about the constellations too?"I asked as I looked for the winged horse.

Thanatos smiled and chuckled; "No, I just always liked looking at the stars."

I grinned up at him, my eyes bright and full of content; "Me too."

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