(7)Up in White Ash

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'Do what you must...'

Up in White Ash

I gently placed my hands on the table and intertwined my fingers; "Are you both okay with the plan?"

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I gently placed my hands on the table and intertwined my fingers; "Are you both okay with the plan?"

The brothers sat beside me, their eyes meeting mine with a silent nod. I breathed in slowly and pursed my lips; "Will you manage alone?" I asked Hypnos.

The light-haired twin gave me a confident grin; "When she realises it's missing it'll be too late..."

We'd quickly devised an infallible plan. Thanatos, of course being the best at leading and formulating crafty strategies, already knew exactly what to do as soon as I'd said the words. We were going to steal the Aegis right out from under Nyx's nose.

Thanatos and I would accept her dinner invitation for the night; unfortunately, we were the bait. While we distracted mother-dearest, Hypnos would travel to her secret vault, where she kept all her toys and trinkets, and steal the one thing that could end all of this madness. Hypnos would replace the shield with a fake. No one actually ever looked at the Aegis, on the account that it could turn you to stone, so it was permanently covered- much to our advantage...

Of course, getting there, Hypnos had to use magic to get in and out, but if Thanatos and I played our part right, Nyx would be far too preoccupied to notice any magic being used in her domain.

And if by some strike of bad fortune she did catch us out- well, then let's hope she's more forgiving than she is loving...

"Remember; the vault is sealed with Blood magic. You'll need to-"

"I know..." Hypnos' tone was reassuring; Thanatos looked nervous. He didn't like leaving his brother to do these things alone, but we needed him to distract Nyx. Hypnos was right when he said that the only person Nyx would want so desperately to pay attention to her is Thanatos- her favourite.

Hypnos didn't seem to care much that he wasn't the apple of her eye. He seemed all the more grateful that he wasn't joining us tonight. I envied him.

Thanatos nodded absentmindedly; "Of course... Just be careful."

Hypnos looked to Thanatos with a wicked grin- his malicious side just as frightening as his brother's; "She so desperately wanted to create monsters- well, she got what she wanted. Leave it to me."

He stood up and clapped his hand against his brother's shoulder; the love they felt towards one another was stunning to watch. I smiled up at Hypnos as he swung an arm around my neck and pressed me into a hug. In my ear he whispered; "Look after him..."

I nodded my head; his musky smell familiar and comforting. I gave him one last look; reassuring him that I would do anything to keep Nyx from aggravating Thanatos too much- it wouldn't end well for both sides.

Hypnos left without another word. The door clicked shut and Thanatos' hands found mine- they were still covered in black, leather gloves, but the warmth was there. I looked down at our intertwined fingers; mine turning a strange blue around the cuticles. I'd taken off my furry gloves; the feel of the cold against my skin better at keeping me focused as we schemed.

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