Chapter 8 ❤︎ Forever

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Please Remember These Things!

❤︎ Y/N Means Your Name

❤︎F/N Means First Name

❤︎L/N Means Last Name

❤︎EA/C Means Ear Color

❤︎T/C Means Tail Color

❤︎E/C Means Eye Color

❤︎H/C Means Hair Color

❤︎N/N Means Nick Name

❤︎POV Means Point of View

Your POV

Fear suddenly shot through me. I felt myself quiver. Oh no. Why was Blaze angry? I knew why Maria was angry, but why Blaze? I didn't do anything to him? Did I do something. I looked towards Daniel. He had a confused expression on his face as well. "Y/N!! I thought I told you to stay away from my boyfriend!" Maria barked, growling. I couldn't speak. I was so scared.

Daniel didn't speak either. Was Maria actually his girlfriend? No, couldn't be.

"I thought you were loyal. I thought you were trustworthy!" Blaze growled menacingly. I just stood there, I was even more scared. I knew how Blaze got when he was scared, and he got scary. Very scary. "How could you betray my pack like this!? You know, I thought you could be a trustworthy friend. You were one of my best friends!! And you do, this!? When Maria asked you to respectfully not try anything on her boyfriend you go out of your way to disrespect her wishes!!" Daniel yelled. I quaked.

Daniel looked towards me. He could see my fear. I was mentally breaking down.

"S-Stop yelling at her!" Daniel shouted. "Why are you protecting.. Defending.. This.. This disgrace of a werewolf!" Maria snapped. Blaze nodded. "She deserves no friends, not anymore."

Blaze stomped up to me, I breathed heavily. Daniel stood in front of me. "Don't touch her!" Snapped Daniel. "Move, Daniel!" Blaze shouted. "I said, don't touch her!!" Daniel said louder.

Daniel quickly just grabbed me and ran. He picked me up in the quickest way he could, throwing me over his shoulders, and just ran. I had my eyes closed. I was so scared. I was so, so scared. Daniel reached my hotel and quickly ran into my room, placing me on my bed.

"Y/N.. Are.. Are you okay..?" Daniel asked quietly. I was in tears. "Is.. Is she actually.. Is.. Is she actually.. Your.. Your- Your girlfriend?" I asked quietly. Daniel shook his head rapidly. ''No! Never!"  Daniel said quickly. "Why never?" I asked again, silently.

"Because I... I..." Daniel blushed immediately and turned away. "You what?" I asked. No response. I stood up. "You what!?" I shouted. Daniel stepped back, looking intimidated. "Because.." He began. "Ilikeyou" He said quickly. "What?" I asked. I blushed. I don't think I heard him right. "Did you say.. You liked me? As in.. Liked liked me?" I said. "No!!" Daniel shook his head quickly, blushing.

"I said I liked someone else!" Daniel said quickly to cover himself. "O-Oh." I said. I was kind of disappointed.. He could obviously tell, I didn't make a effort to hide it. My T/C tail drooped and my EA/C ears were pinned onto my head. Daniel sighed. "Do you really want the truth, Y/N?" Daniel asked. His voice.. It was so serious. I never heard Daniel so.. Serious. It was hard to imagine.

I nodded. "I'm ready for whatever comes my way." I said. Me and Daniel gazed at each other for a little bit before he opened his mouth to speak. "I-I.." He began. He was nervous, embarrassed. I wasn't going to push him, I didn't want to give him a panic attack. "I like you.. A lot.." Daniel said quietly.. But loud enough for me to hear. "You.. Like me? As in.. Like a crush?" I said quietly. "More than a crush!" Daniel bursted out.

My face turned redder than I think it ever was. "Daniel- I.." I began. Daniel didn't move, his fists clenched. He was scared of what I was about to say. I ran over and hug Daniel, squeezing him. "I like you too.." I whispered into his ear. He gasped silently and slightly, but hugged back, pulling me close to him. "Please don't let go." I mumbled silently. He must've heard because he just held me tighter.

We were like that, we were like that for a while.

Daniel's POV

I just confessed.. My feelings.. To Y/N.. Oh my Irene Daniel you moron!! Sure I was going to.. I had to.. Eventually, but now.. This was to soon, and under such bad circumstances!! Maria and Blaze are probably hunting us down, and who knows what they were going to do to Y/N. What did Maria even tell Blaze? I highly doubt she just told Blaze that Y/N was trying to steal me from her. He wouldn't believe it for a second.

"Daniel- " Y/N began before we heard a bang on the door. Blaze and Maria.

"Woof it!" I said quickly, grasping Y/N's hand and jumping through the window beside her bed. It was a unbalanced, rushed window break. I landed on my back, but caught Y/N. I got up quickly and just ran. I don't know where I was running, but I ran.

Someone with blue hair and blue eyes stopped me. "Hey!! You're one of the werewolves who almost threw a frisbree at my head!" She yelled. I jumped back. Oh no, not now! "I-I'm so- I'm so so so so so so sorry, but I really have to go!" I said loudly. Concern fogged my eyes. She breathed in, and out before I shouted. "Hey! You're one of Aphmau's friends!"

"Uh.. Yeah. How did you know?" She asked. "Her boyfriend is our alpha!" I said. "Could you please, please help us. Me and my friend have to hide somewhere!!" I said quickly. The girl suspiciously scanned me and Y/N before sighing. "Travis, get your butt over here!!" She shouted. A white haired boy with green eyes ran over. "Yeah, Katelyn?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"These two.. Werewolves... Want to hide somewhere.. Help them find our room.." Said Katelyn quietly. "Yes ma'am!!" Travis said quickly. "If you'd follow me." Said Travis. We followed Travis to a house. I entered and he lead us into what I assumed was Katelyn and Travis' room. "Just stay here for a bit until you can go out." Said Travis as he walked out.

"Wait.." Mumbled Y/N. "Yeah?" I asked, sitting on a bed. Y/N sat beside me. "Katelyn.. The blue haired chick.. When I first arrived at Starlight.. Aphmau helped me up when I fell, I think, and she said to not help me because I was a werewolf.." She said quietly. I sighed and I looked at her with sympathetic eyes. "N/N.." I sighed. I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me. "It's okay. I'm here now. No matter what happens, I'll be here with you, N/N." I whispered into Y/N's ear.


Please Don't Let Go (Daniel X Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now