Chapter 16

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Zavians P.O.V.

I'm holding Genesis In my arms. There's blood everywhere. I don't know what the hell is going on at all. There's a feeling In the pit of my stomach telling me that something is wrong. I don't know what is thoug. I'm trying to stay calm but this damn nurse has pissed me the fuck off. "Sir-" She's cut off by another nurse. " Son what's going on? Why is your....girlfriend unconscious?" She's a black petite woman with a short hair cut. I give her a quizzical look,and then I slowly look down at Genesis. The life that was once In her is gone and you can tell. She's not her caramel color. She's kinda pale and now that I'm noticing it her skin is ice cold. My Mouth can't seem to form words. In my mind all I can form is the words"No!" And" Baby please don't leave me ". My body falls to the ground and I bring myself up against the wall. They take Genesis away from me. The doctor is talking to me but I don't understand what she's saying. I really don't want to. My mind is racing! She can't be gone. What can I do? My grandmothers voice pops up In my head "Pray." She always said to pray when it feels like you've done all you can. I don't know what I can do so how do I decide if I've done all I can. "Pray." Her voice speaks In my head again. " Dear Heavens father please tell me that you're listening to my prayer. Lord Jesus I don't know what's going on. Please tell me this is a dream! God I can't lose her! Not yet!! Please don't take her away from! Lord I'll do anything you need me to do. I've seen you work miracles when everything was said and done and it seemed like there was no hope left. Pleae Lord perform one of those miracles from me. I'll go to church every Sunday. I'll do your work. Just please God give me another chance let her stay with me. I'm so glad that you hear even a sinners prayer. Lord I have faith! Please help me Jesus! In these and all things I do ask In Jesus Christ Precious Holy Name...Amen." I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. I need to call Kevin and her mama. A text from Drew pops up on my phone."Hey I'm In traffic hopefully I'll be there In an hour or so." Drew thinks it's her period and that she's just bleeding heavily,but she must not have heard my voice when I said there's fucking blood everywhere. I try to call Kevin but he doesn't answer so I leave him a voicemail telling him what's going on and to call him back. Ms.Lindsey and her father said that they were on their way. Her dad doesn't like me at all, but I don't give a rats ass. I still respect him though. 30 minutes pass by. Drew and Genesis's parents walk In at The same time. Instantly I hug Drew. She rubs my back. Tears brim my eyes but I hold them in. Ms. Lindsey asks for The story of what happened again. I tell her again. She looks at me concern taking over her face. " Zavian she wasn't...pregnant was she?" I shake my head no. " She would have told me something like that Ms.Lindsey!!" Both Drew&Lindsey say at The same time." Zavian that sounds like a miscarriage.".Just then a tall blonde headed doctor comes out this door. " Mr.Zavian Carter." I nod my head at him. " That's me." He points his finger at me." Come with me please sir." Ms. Lindsey and her dad spring up." Does this have anything to do with Genesis Lane? " her father asks. " Yes yes it does."

"Well we're her parents. Anything you tell him we need to know about."

The doctor shakes his head. " I'm sorry sir, but Miss Lane specifically asked for Zavian Carter."

" That's nonsense! We are-" The doctor holds his hand up. "Sir I understand that, but first we must meet The patients needs. If she asks for you. I will send a nurse for you." He then gestures to me." Come Mr.Carter.."

I follow him inside this hallway. Once we're behind closed doors he introduces himself." Mr.Carter I'm doctor Godfrey. I treated your girlfriend." He shakes my hand." Nice to meet you Dr.Godfrey. You can call me Zavian." He nods his head.

"Zavian were you aware that Genesis was pregnant?"My mind starts to swirl. This can't be happening. I squint at him."Repeat that please."

"Genesis was pregnant."Ok I heard him correctly but he said was as In used to be.

" Doc you're saying was as In no longer pregnant...did she have The baby or something?"

The look The doctor gives me is The look The doctors on movies give a loved one. When they're about to tell them that they've passed away.

"Zavian Genesis miscarried." I want to collapse right there In front of him. First she's pregnant then she's not. He's not saying anything about Genesis."What about her?"

"She's fine just a little shaken by The whole thing."

I clear my throat." I wanna see her."

He leads me to her room. He opens room number 321. " Right here."

As soon as Genesis sees me she burst into tears. "I'll let you two have some room to talk." He leaves The room."

"Zavian...i'm so sorry."

"Did you know?" She looks at me guilt all over her face.

" Kinda I was late but I didn't pay attention to it. My period still came." I can't believe this.

" How come you didn't tell me?"

"I really don't know."

I want to be mad at her but I can't. My soul won't let me. I bend down and gently kiss her."It's okay baby. Get some rest." She looks up at me. " Don't leave Zavian. I know you're mad at me. Don't leave though."

"I'm not now sleep." She looks at me one last time before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

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