Chapter 12

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I wake up the next morning and Zavian is nowhere to be found at all. I start to worry. Zavian and Kevin both pissed isn't the sight anyone would want to see. I told him don't do anything stupid,but he was mad. He probably just brushed off what I said. Anything could have happened. Both of them could be In jail right now. Knowing Kevin he probably tried to beat our dad. "Lord please let them be okay." I pray. I pace around the house some more. I don't know what I can do. My phones battery is down and I don't have the charger. I really don't know anyone around his apartments,and I don't know where they could be. Right now a phone would really help me out. They wouldn't have a house phone. This is absolutely ridiculous!! I hear the apartment door open. Zavian comes around the corner blood covering his hands and shirt. I feel my eyes go large."What the hell...?" I gasp. He walks straight to his room. I follow behind him." Zavian?" He doesn't say a word to me. He starts to take off his clothes until he's completely naked. "Where's Kevin Zavian?" I continue to get the silent treatment. He walks to his shower and turns it on. Not even giving me a glance. What could be wrong with him... He looks just wore out. I wanna know where Kevin is though. When he finally gets out he's still silent. As he gets dressed I ask him questions but he won't answer me. It's like he's In some kind of daze. I fear the worst." Zavian listen to me where's Kevin." For the first time he looks at me. I usually love staring In his eyes but now they're not even the same eyes that I look into. "He's In Jail." His voice is cold.


"Yes we've both been In there for all of last night."


"You're sorry ass nigga of a father called the fucking police on us. Kevin jumped him. Broke his nose and jaw. He also gave him a black eye." His jaw tenses.

"What did you do Zavian?" He's not telling me sonething. He's looking at me but then again he's not.

"I broke his rib cage." All the breath In my lungs heaves out of my Mouth. I thought that he had anger issues but now I know. I can't seem to say anything. "He attacked me first Genesis. Had to do what I needed to do." He shows me a mark on his jaw. It's not that big of a mark,but it set him off. He was already pissed though. This one little thing could've been his reason to beat my dad.

What about my mama?"

"She's fine."


"Hospital. I think he's gonna press charges." This is too much for me to take in. I need to see Kevin." When can I see Kevin and how did you get out?"

" I don't know he jumped on your dad and my cousin bailed me out." This can't be happening! Zavian lays down In his bed. "Lay down with me." I lay down next to him and gently put my head on his chest. I pray that this is all just a dream.

Sorry it's soooooooo short i'm gonna post again tonight!! Hope you all liked it. I just wanted to let Everton know what happened!! :) Sooooooo vote comment fan!! Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions or ideas :)

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