Chapter 13

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Ryan's POV

A dull beeping entered my ears and my eyes fluttered open to bright lights. I ached all over. I looked around to see that I was in a hospital room. A nurse came up to me.

"Ryan, hello sweety," She smiled.

"What happened?" I asked stupidly but my words kind of didn''t make any sense. It sounded more like 'howt rackhapenej'. I knew what happened, Reece beat me into un-consciousness and then left me there to die. I wonder who found me.

"You were badly beaten up. You need try not to talk not that you make any sense but you broke your jaw, it's been wired would you like me to go through your injuries?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Okay, as I've said your jaw is wired and will be for just over a week as long as your good and don't strain it. You got concussion but luckily enough nothing to bad happened to your brain you have been out for two days but that is because you were in a medically enduced coma. This was because you needed to stay still for a day so you ribs didn't get any worse. You broke five ribs one of which peirced your kidney and that was removed. I will go other all the precautions and other things after if that's okay," She smiled.

I once again nodded.

"Okay, your leg was dislocated at the knee but it is back in place but your foot was shattered but we fixed that it just needs rest. You had glass over your body and that was removed but it has left a few scars which I will go through soon enough. You have a black eye and fat lip that still haven't gone down but your lip almost has. Also your hand was badly injured with glass," She finished but then carried on, "There is one last thing, I won't go into details because you have heard enough about your wounds but we believe there is a very low chance of concieving children, die to the last accident."

My jaw dropped but she began to speak not letting me be shocked.

"Okay well, you need to keep your jaw wired for the week and it will be checked before further notice. you will have to take pain killers regularily due to everything. You can go back to school as soon as your released which will be later today due to investigation and there isn't anything else we can do other than letting you take pain killers. You have a scar where your kidney was removed and it is covered in a dressing which we will supply you with spares to change everyday to reduce the risk of infection. You will be on crutches for a week as well to help heal your foot and knee. The glass scars are mainly on your head and under your hair. They aren't noticable and the others you'll probably find small ones that will heal soon. Your hand will be bangaged for the week please change it regulary," She smiled.

I frowned and she quickly rushed around handing me a whiteboard and pen.

I was unable to concieve children and ever since I was little I've wanted to be a mother and now I've lost that. Who would want to be with someone who coudn't give them kids?

"Oh I forgot to say..." She started. What else was she going to tell me?

"Your fiance is in the waiting room," She smiled.

I took the lid from my pen. 'let him in please' I wrote. I didn't know who it was but I presumed Louis.

She nodded before leaving. After about thirty seconds the boy from Louis's came in. I presumed it was his brother or something.

"Hello Ryan, I'm Carlos, Louis's brother," He smiled.

'What do you want? And why did you say you were my fiance?' I wrote.

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