Chapter 17

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Ryan's POV

Once I had finished packing everything, I went back to the living room where everyone sat as well as Elizabeth.

"Ryan you need to say your goodbyes," Elizabeth said.

"Ryan please," Louis begged quietly. I knew he was talking about me running away with him.

I shock my head sadly and had a frown on my face.

"I guess I'll see you at school," He said harshly before walking off and upstairs.

A tear came to my eye as he left me there.

Elizabeth took me out to the car and I waved to them as I got in. The whole family waved me off other than Louis.

Although I hated Louis for this and everything, I was already missing him and I think I loved him. I told him that earlier but I just don't know whether it's true.

I know I thought I loved Ashley once apon a time but that never lasted and I ended up broken hearted. I could never trust anyone again. I trusted my brother and look where that got me. I trusted Ashley and Maddie and that wasn't much better. Trusting Louis would be the same.

"We're here," Elizabeth announced as we pulled up to a house.

She got out before coming to my side to help me out. I was in bad state and it was a stupid meeting with these people. I couldn't talk to them and I wasn't independent. I can just about dress myself.

"Hello, Ryan, I am Angela, it's nice to meet you," A blond woman said coming out of her house.

I smiled back seen as I couldn't speak.

"Hello, Angela, I am Elizabeth we spoke on the phone," She spoke up shaking Angela's hand.

"Hello," Angela smiled back.

"Well, I have to run because I need to sort out another child, are we good here?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah," Angela said and I nodded as Elizabeth gave me my bags.

"Bye then," She said quickly and rushed back to her car getting in and quickly sped away.

"Well my sons are in the house but my husband won't be here until dinner," She smiled.

I nodded.

"I know you can't talk and all so take it easy," She said placing a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled as she led me into the house.

We went into their living room where three boys sat. They were all about my age. They all had dark hair as well and it was very clear that they were brothers.

"Boy's this is Ryan our new house member. Ryan these are my three sons, Joel, Adam and Andy," Angela smiled.

I smiled to them.

"Andy is eighteen, Joel is seventeen and Adam is sixteen," She smiled.

I nodded.

"Well I'll leave you with the boys to settle in with them I'll just be upstairs if you need me," Angela smiled leaving the room.

"Hi Ryan, what happened to you?" Joel asked bluntly.

I pulled out my whiteboard and pen.

'I was beaten up' I admitted.

"A girl or guy?" Adam asked.

'Guy' I wrote

"That's sick, what type of wimp would hit a girl and she is very beaten up," Joel muttered.

'It was my brother' I wrote with a frown.

"Even though I don't know I already know you've been through a lot. So welcome to the Richards and I hope you enjoy it here more than where you lived before," Andy smiled.

'Thank you I feel really welcomed but would one of you do my a favour' I wrote down and had pleading eyes.

"Sure what is it?" Adam asked.

'Well my childhood best friend is annoyed because I diidn't run away with him and came here because it's the right thing to do. So would one of you phone him and I'll tell you what to say?' I practically begged with my eyes.

"I guess we could," Joel shrugged. I gave him the number and he phoned Louis and put it onto speaker.

"Hello," Louis answered the phone and I could hear he had been crying.

'Hi Louis, Ryan wants to speak to you but she is speaking through me so there may be pauses between each sentance,1 I wrote.

Joel repeated.

"Why would she want to talk to me and who is this?" Louis asked.

'Because I love you and it's Joel the guy I'm living with,' I wrote and Joel copied.

"Obviously you don't love me I've never met you," Louis smirked down the phone.

I sniggered.

'Idiot Ryan said that,' I smiled. He repeated it.

"You don't you left me," He retorted.

'Louis Grange, I left you because we would have been found I did it for you. I will get to see you and I haven't left you I'm just not living with you. And anyway you survived 10 years without me man up,' I wrote with a frown.

"Ryan I know I was un-fair but it hurt. I miss you," He spoke quietly.

'You sound like a girl. Stop please it feels so weird with you being like that. I love you Louis and i miss you too,' I smiled.

"Now who sounds like a girl," He chuckled.

'I am a girl,' I put the other two laughed at Joel when he said it.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow," He sighed.

'Bye, see you in school oh and by the way we need to start our project or we're going to fail. I may love you but I have an A* grade average so I'm not ruining that for you,' I wrote sternly.

"Okay bye," He chuckled.









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