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|Chapter 39|Tower|

After getting changed and making myself decent I was fuming, how dare he? Equal footing? Where? When?

He had no right. When I left my room the first thing I did was walk straight up the the tower door, it was locked, great why not, lock us in here like it's a fucking prison cell. How could he? He broke my trust and to think I was about to tell him that I love him last night! Ha!

I was fuming as I sat down next to Dora on the couch, she offered me a glass of blood which I gladly accepted.

"You know it's not that bad... you'll get used to it after a while" she encouraged.

"I doubt it, I don't know how you deal with all this, doesn't it get boring? I want to explore, see the world, be free not tied down by my mate and locked in a tower." I sighed "I mean... don't you? You can't truly enjoy being stuck here"

"It's not the best thing ever but there's nothing I can do about it of course it gets lonely and I get bored a lot, I want to be free and go see something with Caius but I don't want to cause him pain, I know that This is the safest way and that this way he's sure no harm will come to me" she explained.

"So you deal with all this because you want Caius to not worry? Does he k ow you don't like it here?" I asked

"No he doesn't, I never told him, he's happier if he thinks I'm happy" she smiled

"Your dedication is admirable Dora" I confessed

"It's not that bad especially since Caius come to visit most days, we get a little action and You know" she winked with a sly smirk.

"So he only comes when he wants sex?" I asked shocked.

"No, it's different we have sex but we also talk before and after, you see mine and Caius' relationship is strongly based on sex. I think that's why it works" she laughed to herself as I knew I'd have nightmares for the rest of my life.

"Ehhhh..... I don't think I'd be able to do this, it's not what I want" I complained.

"Of course, you're young, curious and want to explore." Dora understood.

We could hear Aro and Caius talking as they walked up the Stairs to the Tower.

I walked back to my room and slamming the door shut A few minutes later while I was sat on the bed reading some random book Aro came in. I ignored him. He got onto the bed and started kissing my neck. I pushed him away with such force that he sit the wall behind him.

Frowning when he recovered he approached me again "what's wrong darling?" He asked as if he was confused.

I got off the bed from the other side and stood up "what's wrong!? What's wrong?! Maybe the fact that you're a lying bastard? Or maybe that I started falling in love with you? You're a evil, manipulative, lying cunt! How dare you!? Put me here against my will after telling me we'll sort this out together!? You never take my opinion into account and if you think I'll be sitting up here like a good girl while you only show up when you want sex you needs to think again because that'll happen over my dead fucking body!!"

"Darling, this is for your own safety, you'll stay here with Athena and I'll visit" he lowly growled as if warning me.

"Oh don't you fucking 'darling' me! If you can't keep your word then don't promise! I fucking hate you! Get out!" I screamed at him.

"If you don't start acting like a proper mate should..." he threatened

"Then what? Maybe I should just leave again? See how you'll enjoy that?" I offered.

"You won't be leaving, soon you'll crave my presence"

"Oh so no more begging for me to stay and telling me how you can't live without me? Was that a lie too?" My anger started turning to disappointment and sadness.

"Allison don't be ridiculous" he hissed.

"Get out. Get out! I never want to see you again!" I sobbed, he didn't deny that it was a lie...

Aro left slamming the door behind him but it was opened again a few seconds later by Dora who ran in to hug me, rocking us back or forward as I sobbed.

I could here Caius way from outside the door. "You are truly an idiot brother"

"Shut it Caius" Aro growled before leaving.

Dora whispered comforting words as I gradually calmed down. Caius came in. "Athena, whenever you're finished there I'd like to have a word with Allison."

Athena nodded and left kissing her husband on the cheek in her way out. I sat at the edge of the bed while Caius took his seat on an armchair.

"Give Aro time, he'll realise what he's done wrong and come running back to apologise, but then again you weren't exactly a saint here either." Caius frowned at me

"What do you mean? I did nothing wrong" I defended myself

"Bring up Aro's moments of weakness during an argument isn't the best option. He'll feel like he can't trust you to not use it against him anymore and will stop showing you his weak moments" Caius explained.

"Oh, I didn't mean to, it just kind of came out" I looked down guiltily.

Aro trusted me and showed me a weak side, I used it against him the first chance I got, it was cruel. Caius stood to leave.

"Caius?" I called out he turned and raised his eyebrows at me, waiting for me to speak "have you ever discussed the Tower with Dora?" I asked curiously.

"No, she accepted that's its for her safety and didn't question my decision"

"Maybe you should?" I urged "I mean just because she trusted you doesn't mean she's fully happy here..." I knew Dora wasn't happy here but she needed to tell Caius herself.

Caius frowned and narrowed his eyes at me. "You know something" he accused.

"Talk to her Caius" I encouraged

He glanced at me suspiciously again before giving me a slight nod and leaving.


I spent the day staring at the ceiling and think about Aro, I should say sorry... or should I? He put me here against my will, but I had no right using his moment of weakness against him or threatening to leave, I promised him that I wouldn't leave so Aro isn't the only one that went back on a promise right?

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