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|Chapter 05|Alice|


Some of Aro's witnesses left. I counted the thirty-seven vampires that stayed.

Aro turned back to his guard. "We are outnumbered, dearest ones," he said. "We can expect no outside help. Should we leave this question undecided to save ourselves?"

"No, master," they whispered in unison.

"Is the protection of our world worth perhaps the loss of some of our number?"

"Yes," they breathed. "We are not afraid."

Aro smiled and turned to his black-clad companions. "Brothers," Aro said somberly, "there is much to consider here."

"Let us counsel," Caius said eagerly.

"Let us counsel," Marcus repeated in an uninterested tone.

Aro turned his back to us again, facing the other ancients. They joined hands to form a black-shrouded triangle. As soon as Aro's attention was engaged in the silent counsel, two more of their witnesses disappeared silently into the forest. I hoped, for their sakes, that they were fast.

This was it. Mom asked us, "You remember what I told ye?"

Tears welled in our eyes but we nodded. "I love you, both of you" she whispered.

Dad was watching us now, his topaz eyes wide. Jacob stared at us from the corner of his big dark eye. "we love you, too," we said, together and then I touched my locket locket. Mom kissed our foreheads.

Dad lifted Renesmee onto Jacob's back, He kissed my forehead and both my cheeks before signalising for a wolf that i regognised as Seth to come over. I sat on seath and we waited.

"Let us vote, then," Aro said with apparent reluctance.

Caius spoke with eager haste. "The child is an unknown quantity. There is no reason to allow such a risk to exist. It must be destroyed, along with all who protect it." He smiled in expectation.

Marcus lifted his uncaring eyes, seeming to look through us as he voted. "I see no immediate danger. The child is safe enough for now. We can always reevaluate later. Let us leave in peace." His voice was even fainter than his brothers' feathery sighs.

None of the guard relaxed their ready positions at his disagreeing words. Caius's
anticipatory grin did not falter. It was as if Marcus hadn't spoken at all. "I must make the deciding vote, it seems," Aro mused.

"Aro?" dad called, nearly shouted, undisguised victory in his voice.

Aro hesitated for a second, assessing this new mood warily before he answered. "Yes, Edward? You have something further... ?"

"Perhaps," dad said pleasantly, controlling his unexplained excitement. "First, if I could clarify one point?"

"Certainly," Aro said, raising his eyebrows, nothing now but polite interest in his tone.

"The danger you foresee from my daughters —this stems entirely from our inability to guess how they will develop? That is the crux of the matter?"

"Yes, friend Edward," Aro agreed. "If we could but be positive... be sure that, as they grow, they will be able to stay concealed from the human world—not endanger the safety of our obscurity . . ." He trailed off, shrugging.

"So, if we could only know for sure," dad suggested, "exactly what they will
become... then there would be no need for a council at all?"

"If there was some way to be absolutely sure," Aro agreed, his feathery voice slightly more shrill. He couldn't see where dad was leading him. Neither could I.

"Then, yes, there would be no question to debate." He pushed further. "And we would part in peace, good friends once again?" Edward asked with a hint of

Even more shrill. "Of course, my young friend. Nothing would please me more."

Edward chuckled exultantly. "Then I do have something more to offer."

Aro's eyes narrowed. "they are absolutely unique. Their future can only be guessed at."

"Not absolutely unique," Edward disagreed. "Rare, certainly, but not one of a kind."

I fought the shock, wait... there was more like me? There was more like us?

"Aro, would you ask Jane to stop attacking my wife?" dad asked courteously. "We are still discussing evidence."

Aro raised one hand. "Peace, dear ones. Let us hear him out."

"Why don't you join us, Alice?" dad called loudly.

"Alice," Grandma whispered in shock.

Aunty Alice!

"Alice!" "Alice!" other voices murmured around me.

"Alice," Aro breathed

I couldnt help but feel the jealousy glow through me, jealous that he was so glad to see Aunty Alice. I knew it was silly but I couldn't help it.

"Alice has been searching for her own witnesses these last weeks," dad said to the ancient. "And she does not come back empty-handed. Alice, why don't you introduce the witnesses you've brought?"

Caius snarled. "The time for witnesses is past! Cast your vote, Aro!"

Aro raised one finger to silence his brother, his eyes glued to aunty Alice's face, as I became once again jealous.

As if he felt what I felt Aro's eyes searched for mine again and I allowed the eye contact, he sent me a gentle, reassuring smile as he turned back to Aunty Alice and the people she brought back with her along with Uncle Jasper.

Aunty Alice stepped forward lightly and introduced the strangers. "This is Huilen and her nephew, Nahuel." Hearing her voice... it was like she'd never left.

Caius's eyes tightened as Aunty Alice named the relationship between the newcomers. The Volturi witnesses hissed amongst themselves. The vampire world was changing, and everyone could feel it.

"Speak, Huilen," Aro commanded. "Give us the witness you were brought to bear."

I once again zoned out for most of the things that Huilen and Her nephew, Nahuel spoke about. I was think in about, The Volturi about Aro.... how could they be so cruel? Knowing that there's no danger now they still want to find any excuse to fight, to kill. They really didn't value life, human or Vampire. If i was never born.... this wouldn't have happened, mom and dad would live happily together without the burden of children. Without me causing trouble. Again. The Volturi wouldn't be here, wouldn't be here to mercilessly kill my family and friends.

Everyone would live in peace but of course not I showed up and ruined everything, if I wasn't born other people's life would be so much easier.

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