|21|Business Meeting|

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|Chapter 21|Business Meeting|

After our little moment Aro got called away to a meeting which was good and bad I guess. I wanted to stay and hug him for a little longer, it felt so nice but I wanted time and space to think. I fell asleep pretty fast and dreamed of mine and Aro's relationship finally working out.


When I woke up, I groaned, it was nice and warm, I rolled over and hit something hard and cold. I looked up to see Aro looking back at me with a smile. I groaned again and put my arm over my eyes.

"Good morning my sweet." He said cheerily while he put his hand on my arm.

It was cold, I rolled away, planting my face in the pillow.

"Are you alright darling?" Aro asked.

"Mhmm, you're cold" I complained.

We sat, well I lay, in silence for a few minutes. "I think we may need to have a serious talk Allison" Aro announced.

"About?" I opened one eye to look at him.

"Us" he said and as soon as he did I let out a groan. "We need to get this done, I unfortunately cannot read your mind therefore I'm not sure what you want" he explained.

Oh yes, of course if I didn't have a shield he'd just read all my thoughts. Easy job for him. I turned away from him and rolled my eyes.

"Okay then talk" I sighed.

"Now? I think an appropriate setting would be one where both of us would be smartly dressed and in my office" he looked surprised.

"As in like a business meeting? Where we can state our terms and compromise?" I asked, interested.

"Yes, I'll tell you how I feel and what I want while you tell me the same, we'll meet half way and compromise"

"Like equals?" I asked, Caius did say that he has to treat me like his equal not like someone he can boss around.

"Yes my dear" he nodded.

"Okay" I agreed, smiling.

"Now take a shower, get dressed into formal wear and come meet me in my office." He said as he disappeared out the door.


After my shower I wrapped my bathrobe around me and started picking out clothes. The door opened and I spun around to see who it was.

"I heard about your little 'business meeting' with Aro" Caius announced.

"Yes, he said we can compromise like equals" I informed proudly.

Caius just shook his head and chuckled. "I don't quite believe my brother has realised you are equals yet, so more likely than not it'll work out in his best interest."

I got a reality check "but he said we'll compromise." I argued.

"Yes but that does not mean you'll get what you want, my brother still thinks you've to bow down to him and do as he says but that is not how it works, you're mates, equals and you need to treat each other as such. If you play your cards right Aro will be the one doing anything and everything for you"

"How do I get the best I can out of the compromise?" I asked.

"Well for starters clothes," Caius announced and went into the closet, coming back out with a tight black pencil skirt, a white shirt and matching black lace bra with panties. "Go in and get changed" he ordered pointing towards the bathroom.

I went in and got changed, the black lace bra could easily be seen through the white shirt. I came out.

"But the bra..." I trailed off.

Caius shook his head at me and came closer, he unbuttoned the first two buttons of the shirt releasing some cleavage and pulled up the skirt making it only reach my mid thighs. My eyes were wide.

"Aro's the dominant in the relationship and will be lusting after you, no matter what you wear but to wear revealing clothes makes him only think about lust, especially since you haven't sealed the mating bond yet. Make his head spin and you'll get what you want." He stepped back and looked me over, I felt very uncomfortable.

"Is that it?" I asked. Could it really be that easy?

"Not bad" Caius said ignoring my question "now for the hair, we'll pin it up and to one side to reveal your throat. A hybrid's blood doesn't taste or smell nice but since you're Aro's mate your blood smells better than any other to him. It'll have him wanting "

"But I don't want him to drink from me again" I said worriedly.

"He won't, he knows you'll hate him" Caius assured.

"I already hate him" I frowned.

Caius chuckled "you're only fooling yourself, if you really hated him you wouldn't let him hold you yesterday or agree to compromise"

"How do you... about yesterday?"

"I have my ways" Caius said mysteriously as he smirked. "Now you won't need makeup, it'll just annoy him, my brother prefers natural beauty. Finally the shoes" Caius announced as he brought over a pair of black killer heals.

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to walk in them" I said uncertainty.

"Talk around the room a few times and you'll get used to it, you are half vampire after all. These will give you a big advantage, Aro is the shortest of the three of us. He may be taller than you but if you wear these he'll be forced to face your chest and neck. Use it to your advantage."  Caius nodded at me before leaving just as fast as he came.

I didn't even have the chance to say thank you. I walked around the room a few times just as he instructed and I did get used to them. I was taller now and I hope all of this works out and that Aro doesn't jump me to drain me dry or to fuck me.

I walked down the corridors at a human pace because I wanted to go over things in my head as much as possible. Upon reaching the door to Aro's office I entered without knocking. He obviously knew I was here ages ago because of my heart beat. Inside was Aro stood beside Felix and Demetri no doubt talking business.

I locked eyes with Aro and I could see them change darker and darker. "Get. Out." He growled viciously at his guards who quickly left leaving just the two of us.

Aro was by my side in an instant. He forced his lips on mine.

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