Chapter 11: Meaningless

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I woke up in someone else's room in some guys arms. I looked at the guy, and it was Taymor. I slipped out of his arms and luckily he didn't wake up.

I got really drunk last night and I don't remember what happened. I noticed I was naked and I grabbed my clothes off the floor. As I turned the door knob, I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Morning" he said against my neck. "T-tay, I was drunk  l-last night, I-I I'm sorry I didn't mean anything that happened" I said. I like Tay, and I know we probably fucked since we were both naked.

 I wish I hadn't been drunk so I remembered. He sighed. "Fuck mane" he said angrily and he let go of me. "I'm s-sorry Tay" I said as I walked out. I realized where I was, and then Jahseh walked out of the bathroom.

"Can y-you take me home please?" "Sure, whats wrong?" "N-nothing just let's go"


"I'm taking Nahmir home, be right back" Jahseh said, kissing my cheek. I went into his room to see Tay sittiing on the bed angry.

"Yo, you good?" "NAH I"M NOT" he yelled. "NAHMIR DONT REMEMBER LAST NIGHT AND IM DUMB AS FUCK" he grabbed his shit and pushed past me.

I grabbed his arm and sat him down. "Tay, it's okay. Just talk to him." We sat there in silence looking in each others eyes.

We both leaned in and kissed for a good minute. I pulled away. "I-I-shit" I got up and walked away. "Ski I'm sorry" "Go please"

He left and I felt bad, and I don't know if I should tell Jah. It was meaningless.


I left Nahmir's house and went home. I walked in to see Stoke on the couch with his head in his hands.

"What's wrong baby" I sat next to him. "Nothing, I just have a headache" I got up and went in the kitchen.

"We need to go get more food" I said shutting the fridge. "Let's go right now then" he got up.

I went and changed into an actual outfit and slid on my shoes. "Leggo" We went to the store and bought food and I got a notebook and some pencils.

As we were checking out, we saw Tay. He walked over and dapped us up. "Aye you guys wanna come to a party tonight?" he asked us.

"Yeah sure" Stoke said as he put our stuff in bags. "Aight, 9 tonight at Trippie's place" he walked away.


I woke up still in Trippie's bed. I kissed the top of his head. "Trip wake up" I said softly.

"mkay" he opened his eyes a little bit. "I never though I would wake up in another nigga's arms"  he laughed.

"Trip, I-uh ireallylikeyou" I said really fast. "Say  it slowly" he laughed. "I really like you" It was quiet for a second.

"I really like you too" he said, putting his head down. I lifted it back up with my finger and kissed his lips. He kissed back and pulled away.

"I'm not gay though" he stood up. I sighed. "Do you want me to leave?" "No" he sat back down.

"I don't want everyone to know that I like you, they'll think I'm soft" he laid his head in my lap.

"We don't have to tell people I guess" He put is hand on the back of my head and pulled my face to his. We kissed for a while.

The doorbell rang. I looked out the window. "It's Tay" "Oh yeah we having a party tonight, but why he here so early?" he got up and walked downstairs.

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