*25* - Fallout

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Despite our reunion, Pietro has sped off in search for my mother and the President

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Despite our reunion, Pietro has sped off in search for my mother and the President. Wanda and I remain inside of the White House, checking rooms and every nook and cranny we can find. If Mother has taken the President through some secret door, we might not be able to find them in time.

"Did your mother make this for you?" Wanda asks, meaning my new suit.

"It looks ridiculous, doesn't it?"

"If anything, it's the opposite. You look badass, Rory."

"I guess that's a perk, aside from the fact my own mother brainwashed me with her powers to break into the White House." I frown.

As we turn a corner, Nick is on the other end. I bristle, remembering what he resembles to my mother now. He ignites a buried anger within me.

"Don't get too close," I warn Wanda. "He's a siphon. If he touches you, your powers go bye-bye for a little bit. Tell us where she is," I shout to Nick.

"If you don't, I'll be more than happy to make your brain into mush as I search for the answer," Wanda threatens him.

Nick cracks his knuckles. "Try it, witch."

Wanda strikes first; she throws a red hex ball towards Nick. He shoots up into the air; he's flying.

Well, shit.

Up until now, I just assumed he stole powers. Why didn't I think he would be able to use them?

Wanda and I glance at each other, diving in opposite directions as he aims for us. Who has the ability to fly? Between Wanda and me, we shoot a mixture of ice blasts and hexes his way. He dodges them easily, which frustrates the both of us.

"Holy—!" I gasp as lasers protrude from Nick's eyes. Crap, he siphoned off of...

Truthfully, I forgot that girl's name.

Tony collides with Nick in midair, sending both the men to the ground. In an instant, Wanda shoots a hex towards Nick's head. His head is enveloped in red, and Wanda's face is pure concentration as she inches forward. Tony climbs off Nick, pulling back his faceplate.

"Vision's down with a power malfunction," he reports.

"He'll be up and running," I assure him. "It's temporary. He," I point to a struggling Nick, who has his hands against his head, "steals abilities."

"Where is the President?" Wanda demands of Nick.

"Guys," Tony looks to the two of us, "Thor's got eyes on Madam President. Rooftop. Some whacko is holding her hostage."

"That whacko would be my mother," I say coldly.

"Right. Sorry, snowflake."

"Oh, I'm not offended. Can you give me a lift?"

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