*21* - Mother Dearest

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It's times like these when I really wish I had the ability of mind communication, that way I can be sprung from this damn place

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It's times like these when I really wish I had the ability of mind communication, that way I can be sprung from this damn place.

From the time I had agreed to go with Mother to spare Pietro, I had been blindfolded. I wasn't sure how far we were from New York, or if we hadn't left the state at all. All I knew was that I was ushered into a car, and I didn't attempt to make conversation.

Now, here I am, in who knows where, in the hands of the person I once used to want to go back to.

I had to do it, for Pietro.

I get the usual visitor of Nick, one of Mother's newest additions to her so-called team. Or her group of crazies. Whichever you prefer. He visits long enough to suction my power away so I can't try and break myself out of here. Damn that man.

I feel my power starting to come back, so, naturally, that's when the door opens. Nick comes strolling in, in all of his brooding glory. Mother is right behind him. Her attempt at a warm expression on her face doesn't ease me. It only angers me, honestly.

I see a third figure slip into the room—Genevieve. My temper skyrockets inside, and I'm two seconds away from bursting. But when Nick touches my skin, any buildup of power I just regained is lost again. I glower and step away once I feel human again.

"See you later, asshole," I snarl to him as he disappears. I watch as Mother gives him a rather...I want to say lustful look...but I don't want to gross myself out with the thought. Genevieve leaves with him, which leaves my mother and me in the same room together.

How unfortunate for her.

"Come to turn me to the Dark Side, Mother?" I ask her bitingly, scuffing the bottom of my boot against the floor.

"I hate hearing you talk as though we're the bad guys," she simpers.

"It's because you are." I toss my head. "You want world domination. How is that good for anybody?"

"A president rules this nation."

"Yes, but with diplomacy and democracy. Hydra won't if it ever gets the chance to take over America. Which it won't."

"What? Because your precious posse of super freaks is going to save the day?" she sneers. "Dear, dear, Aurora. The battlefield is at its most level."

"No matter how many enhanced you have, they'll find a way." I raise a brow at a troubling notion. "Where's Dad?"

"He's busy." She stares straight into my soul, and it's right then that I don't believe her.

"Where is he?" I notice she's not wearing the ring he gave her, either. What has she done?

Mother puts her hands in front of her, dipping her head down as though she's almost reluctant to share whatever is about to spew out of her mouth. "I'm afraid, Aurora, your father...he's dead."

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