*6* - The All Powerful Chip

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I wake up, groggy, back in my room

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I wake up, groggy, back in my room. I've got a slight headache. I know where that came from. Usually, after I have an episode like I did, the headache would follow. It's not a migraine level, but it hurts a lot.

I sit up, using the wall as support. As my eyes adjust, I see that (surprise) Hawkeye has come to visit me. In addition to him, it's one of the Maximoff twins. He's close to Hawkeye, like he's about ready to take Bird Boy away should I try something.

"Rise and shine," Hawkeye tells me bitterly. "You're one hot mess, aren't you?"

"You idiots are the ones who are keeping me here!" I say hoarsely. If I felt better, I would be standing. I'm afraid if I do, I'll start swaying. "What's the point, huh? Do I deserve to know that, at least?"

"As to why you're here and not running back to your Hydra family?" Hawkeye cocks his head. "We can't let them take you back."

"Look, Bird Boy, this isn't going to be the same situation like it was when you found Speedy and his freak sister." My eyes narrow. "I'm not going to convert to the good side."

"That's not our intention."

"Then what is?"

"Just because you're not an ally doesn't mean that you can't be helpful to us."

"What are you talking about?" I groan.

"Hydra's very sloppy. This branch you were with, they chipped you."

I feel the bump on the back of my neck. Okay, so the chip is out. That question is answered. "Okay, so what?"

"We figure we can somehow use your chip to find the others and bring them back here."

I laugh darkly. "Such high aspirations. You really think you can find them, bring them in, and convert them?" I snort. "Just because you're Avengers doesn't make you gods, you know. You can't do everything."

"Well, actually, one of ours is a god so your argument is invalid." Hawkeye's eyes narrow. "We've got the files on your comrades, you've got information. We're trying to pull in our resources to make sure Hydra doesn't use them for evil purposes."

I snort again. "Let me know how that works out for you guys. Why don't you do yourselves a favor and let me go? I won't help you. And I know none of you have the balls to put me down, because that's your Avenger Golden Rule, isn't it?"

"Can you sedate her again?" Maximoff says out of the corner of his mouth. "She is getting rather annoying."

I smile impishly. "Glad to know I piss you off, Speedy. I enjoy messing with you Avengers. It's the only light I get in my days here." I never thought I'd see the day where I'm a snarky bitch to the Avengers and still be alive to continue to be so. "Oh, by the way, how'd your friends deal with my surprise in the training room?" I ask.

Bad Blood {*Pietro Maximoff*}Where stories live. Discover now