*2* - House Arrest

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"She could have done a lot worse," says one voice

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"She could have done a lot worse," says one voice. It's soft and gentle. "I mean...look at her head. Healed without any scarring. I'm just not sure if this is the best solution to this problem."

"How is it not?" comes another voice. It's also male, like the first, but different. More...arrogant. "Come on, who doesn't want to add to the superhero collection we've got going on? We don't have anyone like her."

And you won't, because I'm getting the hell out of here. I don't know where I am exactly, but I have a good guess. A guess that tells me I'm better off running than fighting. I make sure to keep my body as calm and still as possible; I don't want to tip the men off that I'm awake.

"It's not going to be like the twins, Tony. She won't be rehabilitated here and come out an Avenger. You said there were others along with her. Who's to say they haven't regrouped and aren't searching for her right now?" The first voice doesn't sound panicked, just...concerned.

"Hey, if she's got any friends looking, they won't be able to find her."

"Right, because everyone who's ever been against us doesn't know where we're stationed," the gentle voice deadpans.

"We'll take it in stride. Come on, lunch break."

"You sure we should leave her?"

"Do you see her, Bruce? She's not going to wake up for a while. We won't leave her alone for long."

I wait until I don't hear footsteps. Groaning, I open my eyes to dim lighting that's still fairly bright to me. From the corner of my eye, I see light peeking in. Sunlight. I turn my head. I hadn't seen sunlight during the attack against the Avengers; it'd been cloudy. I reach for the light, as though I'll feel it touch me.

What are they thinking? No restraints? Do they want me to run away? I sit up, seeing two messy desks and all kinds of monitors, some with things that I can't comprehend. Focus. Escape. They broke for lunch, go! As I slide off the table, I realize they didn't remove my clothes and trade them for others.

I look out the window to see where I am. I'm in New York; that's too easy to guess. But I'm on one of the higher floors of this tower. Looks like I'll have to find my way out without a directory.

I trot out of the lab room (that's what I assume it is), pick a direction, and run.

Jesus, how long is this hallway? Elevator. I need to find an elevator. Or stairs. I'm not jumping out a window. I can, if I have absolutely no other alternative.

I slow my pace until I stop to catch my breath. I pick my head up at hearing footsteps. My eyes search frantically for a room. I dart for the one I see on my right, but my eyes fall on the security pad. It requires a hand scan.

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