35 - A date

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What was more strange going to the condo that Beth shared with Lucas or going with Hayley on his arm? When they arrived, others were already there. Lucas came to greet Hayley, and Oliver looked for Beth. She was in the kitchen opening wine. He approached. "Can I help?"

"All set, thanks. Would you like a glass?"

"Maybe one, but I'm running on very little sleep. It's been a very long day."

"You did a wonderful job, Chef." Others milled around them.

Oliver found his way to Caitlyn and David. "He seems to be recovering." Caitlyn looked at Lucas and Hayley talking and laughing.

"He's probably trying to make Beth jealous. Hayley is enjoying herself, so no harm."

The couple that Lucas and Beth had arrived with approached Oliver. The woman said, "We wanted to thank you. The gala was fabulous. I'm Joanna Sanders and this is my husband, Paul. Paul is Lucas' brother." Oliver introduced himself and Joanna continued, "We'll definitely come to eat sometime soon."

"Please be sure to send a message to me, so I can come out of the kitchen."

Beth came around filling glasses, but Oliver put his hand over his glass. "I have to leave before I fall asleep on my feet." He looked at the other couple and said, "I was in the kitchen at six."

He found Hayley to see if she was ready to go and she agreed. Oliver left without giving Beth the goodbye he wanted. He walked Hayley back to her hotel. "Lucas was giving you a lot of attention."

"He gave me his card, but I'm not much for being the rebound girl. He thinks you've got your eye on his ex," she said.

Oliver wasn't sure how to answer. Could he trust her? Did he dare tell her he knew Beth when they were still a couple. "She's beautiful. I'd be crazy not to notice." Reaching her hotel, he kissed her on the cheek and walked back to his car behind the restaurant. He wished he had already moved into his new apartment.

Oliver wished he could sleep all day, but he would on Monday. He was dreaming of Beth, he could smell her and feel her warmth. He opened his eyes to find her there laying next to him. He smiled. "I remember another time that you came into my bed."

"I think you asked me out for tomorrow night."

Oliver remembered he had. "I did. Didn't I?"

"I need to know something before I date you. What do you want out of life?"

Oliver looked at her and knew she was serious. "You. I want you. I want to build a life with you. I want to be a family with however many children you want. Beth, I love you and I am nothing like Lucas. I love you and always have."

Beth kissed him. "I love you too. So where are we going on our date?"

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