25 - Romeo

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Monday morning started with a fresh coating of snow. It was only a few inches, but enough to cancel Beth's walk. It was just as well, she needed to go to work early. Between the gala and her personal life, she had let things slide. Karen would want an update on her personal life. Beth wondered what she should tell her. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a new text from Oliver. Reading it reminded her of that pain. As much as he was learning to understand her misery, she understood what he had been through trying to decide. Not ready to reply about anything personal, she replied, Can we meet Weds to discuss the schedule for the gala?

Beth knew he'd reply, and she secretly awaited his text. Thankfully, she loved her work and time flew quickly. Oliver's response came earlier than she expected for his day off. He replied, Yes, love.

She blushed when she saw his text. She felt a jolt. She had desperately wanted him to love her enough, and now he did. If she believed him, he always had. Later when Karen came in, she said, "You're smiling."

"Am I? That old boyfriend is working overtime trying to convince me how sorry he is."

"Do you believe him?"

"I'm starting to." Beth admitted aloud.

The older woman smiled. "Oh, this is exciting!"

Beth just laughed and thought, that was one way to describe her life.

She tried to pull away from Lucas, which wasn't hard considering they lived together. He came home late on Monday and she had already eaten leftovers. He watched one of his crime shows, while she pretended to read and went to bed early. Tuesday was her late day, and he picked up Chinese food. He was already watching the basketball game although he mentioned seeing Oliver at the teen center.

"He said he's in good shape for Saturday." Lucas was preoccupied with the game.

"Yes, we're meeting to discuss final details tomorrow."

"Great. You two are the best," he said absentmindedly.

Again she went to bed before him which wasn't unusual. She woke early to brave the temperatures in the low teens for her walk. She quickened her steps when she thought about seeing Oliver later. Perhaps she was slowly giving herself the answer she needed. Lucas was in the kitchen when she returned.

"Cold out there?"


"What are your plans for the day?"

She wondered if he'd even listened to her the night before, but she answered patiently. "I'm meeting with the chef to discuss the final details. I'm having my nails done, because I won't have time on Saturday. I have a few other odds and ends, but we're in good shape."

"Can you get my suits from the cleaners? I need my tux."

She wanted to say, no, because that was the job of a wife and he didn't want one - or an assistant, but she wasn't that either. Instead, she agreed. Then he said, "I want to invite some people back after for something simple, just wine and cheese. Can you pick up what we need?"

"Couldn't you go on Saturday?" she asked irritated.

"There may not be time. Just run to the wholesale club for me, please."

"Can't we go together tonight or Friday night?" She felt the anger bubbling.

"I'm taking you out on Friday to celebrate your hard work." He flashed his charming smile.

"Fine," she spat. "How many people?"

"Oh, no more than thirty. What's got you so bothered?"

"These are all errands a wife would do, but it's funny I'm not your wife and you don't want one." She raised her voice.

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