32 - To be determined

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The minute she woke, Beth saw there was still no response from Oliver. She wanted to drive right over to the beach, but she needed to keep things as normal as possible, because she didn't want Lucas to know about Oliver. Mostly, she didn't want to hurt him. Even if they didn't belong together, he was still a good man. She took her walk, but headed right for the bistro. She hoped Ava may know something. Oliver's car was there already and she smiled at the windows glistening from glittery snowflakes in the early morning sun.

She entered through the kitchen and called out. "Hello."

"It's like grand central this morning. Romeo is downstairs."

She heard muffled voices as she reached the last step. She called his name, and he appeared. She said, "You never responded to my texts."

He took a step toward her. "I left my phone here. I just saw them. I thought."

"I know." They embraced, and as she was clinging to him, she saw his mother sitting patiently. Pulling away, she pointed to her.

"Oh right. Mom, this is Bethany Howes, Beth."

She extended her hand. "Mrs. Barton, nice to meet you."

Oliver's mother held her hand with both hers. "Call me Stacey, I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."

Mrs. Barton excused herself and Oliver said, "I should have trusted you."

"No, it was bad. He never asked me. He thought if he gave me a ring, I'd stay." She paused "Wait a minute, you thought I was marrying Lucas, but you filled your car with my snowflakes?"

He smiled. "I said I would, so I did."

Beth knew she loved him. Anger and hurt may have disguised her love for him, but it was always there.

Oliver pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Taking her hand, he led her upstairs. His mother was talking to Ava. Ava looked at him and smiled. "Oh poor Romeo, you had a rough night. I'm glad that things worked out. I have been listening to him pine for her for what feels like ten years."

Bethany laughed. "I have to go. I have a gala tonight. I'll be back to decorate later."

She practically skipped home and was glad Lucas was still in bed. She made coffee as she did for him most mornings. He would miss that, she was certain. She had showered and dressed when Lucas appeared. He had his sleepy look that she liked, but it no longer caused her heart to beat faster. At one time, they might end up back in bed before it got cold, but not anymore. Not with Lucas, but Oliver came to mind.

She handed him his coffee, and he thanked her. "I will really miss you."

"Not just my coffee?" She teased hoping to keep things light.

"I will, but so much more."

"I know, but I feel like this will be good for both of us."

"I know you won't wear my ring, but will you be my date tonight?"

"I never thought we wouldn't arrive together. After all you bought my dress. Listen, I've got a million and one things to do or there will be no gala."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for being so understanding."

She thought about bringing some of her belongings home, but decided not to pour salt on Lucas' wounds so soon. Instead, she drove over and loaded up the rest of her snowflakes. She looked around and thought, home, mine. She smiled as she wondered if she could convince Oliver to leave his TV. She'd have to ask.

She had other stops, and it was close to noon when she arrived to decorate. In the kitchen, Oliver and Ava were busy at work. Ava saw her first. "Romeo, you've got company."

When Oliver looked, his entire face lit up. "Do you need help to bring everything in?"

"No, you look busy. Caitlyn will help."

"Come here."

"I'm leaving and you wondered how he got his nickname." Ava complained.

Bethany smiled and walked over and kissed his cheek. Oliver said, "Not exactly what I was thinking. I'll still make you some lunch." He smiled, and she thought her insides might melt.

She set to work although she'd rather be in the kitchen watching him work. Caitlyn arrived and while they worked, Beth told her best friend about the excitement the night before and that morning.

"You're really leaving him. Wow! And you and Oliver?"

Beth whispered. "To be determined."

As if on cue, Oliver appeared carrying a tray. "What are you two whispering about?"

Caitlyn, as bold as ever, answered, "You!"

"Only good I hope."

Beth joined in the teasing. "We'll tell you after we eat this food."

Oliver sat down next to Beth and Caitlyn said, "Look at you two together again! I always knew you belonged together."

Beth said, "Really, because I remember you encouraging me to pursue Lucas. Speaking of which, Caitlyn, Lucas doesn't know anything about Oliver and I. Tonight I am still Lucas' date and I don't want to disrespect that. I owe him that much."

Oliver reached over and squeezed her hand. She was glad that he understood. Their lunch was delicious. A relationship with Oliver could affect her waistline. "Hanging out with you will make me fat."

Oliver laughed. "I'm just trying to win you. Once I succeed, I'm done cooking. Speaking of cooking, I have a slave driver party organizer who won't be happy if the food isn't finished on time." Oliver stood and let go of her hand after a squeeze.

Caitlyn said, "I'm in love. Was he this great back then?"

"Yes, yes, he was. You know he used to go visit my Nana. He was so wonderful to her." Snapping out of her reminiscing, she said, "Okay we need to get back to work too."

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