23 - A sign

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Both Lucas and Oliver were acting strangely after that very bizarre evening. She hadn't wanted to go, but Lucas insisted. Every time she saw Oliver, he confused her. Then Lucas asked him about his beach love.

Was Oliver telling her he still loved her?

Her magician comment was just as bad. For a man that didn't know what she likes to eat, Lucas picked up on a slip of the tongue.

When they returned home, Lucas was in the mood and Beth had a feeling that some of his desire was territorial. Somehow she couldn't muster up the emotion and quickly reminded him she had worked twelve hours and had been working endless hours on the gala. As always, he accepted her wishes, but she wondered how much of her denial was fatigue.

By Saturday morning, she felt the need to discuss their crazy dinner with Oliver. She didn't know why or what she planned to accomplish, but she stopped by to see him. She heard music in the kitchen and poked her head in. "Hello."

Ava came around the corner. "Oh hi, Bethany. Romeo's not here. Was he expecting you?"

"No, I just stopped by. Why Romeo?"

"Oh, I've been calling him that since we were in school. I started again lately since he's been hanging around you."

"Oh well, it's been weird."

"Did you hear the great news?"

"What news?" Beth didn't know what to expect.

"Hayley is coming to the gala." Ava made a face.

"Hayley are they a couple?"

"Oh God, no! They broke up right before we graduated. She blamed it on me. She's a..."

"I remember my encounters with her well. So what happened, did she find out about me?"

"No, she never did, but she was jealous of me. When he told her he was going to France with me, she accused him of cheating and dumped him."

"Was he devastated?" Beth asked.

"Over Hayley? No! He was devastated, because he blew his chance with you. He was devastated, because you dropped off the face of the earth." She paused. "I like you, but I love him. He is too much of a gentleman to tell you, but he has missed you every day, since he left you. I give him credit, because he tried to make it work with Hayley. I cheered the day it ended, because she was not nice enough to deserve him. You are."

"I don't know what to say... Lucas." Her voice trailed off.

"It looks like the situation is reversed. You need to decide which one will make all your dreams come true."

Beth was at a loss for words. "Maybe you shouldn't tell him I came by."

"Too late. He's at the service door."

She stood frozen as Oliver entered the kitchen. Ava spoke first. "What d'you forget your alarm?"

"No, I told you I was meeting with my fish and seafood guy today. Beth, were we supposed to meet?"

"No, I just stopped by. Can we talk?" She didn't really trust herself anymore.

"Sure. Come out front." She followed him, and he turned to her. "What's up?"

"I came to find out what you were up to the other night, but Ava told me Hayley's coming to the gala."

"She is with her parents and mine... She's not. We're not."

"What really happened?"

He blurted out, "I've wanted to tell you since I walked out of the kitchen to find you with Lucas. I came looking for you, but no one knew where you were."

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