12 - Hayley

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Oliver saw her text and smiled. She used to always call him Chef. He would never forget the next time that they had cooked together.

Beth had said she was cooking for him, but they worked together. She came to him that night, and he didn't think about right or wrong, but only desire and need. The moment had been in the making, since they first kissed weeks before. Together they pleasured each other and when their coupling was complete, he held her as they both caught their breath. One word kept rolling around in his head that he had no business saying to her; still, he felt its powers. He knew it was love that he felt for her and he shouldn't, so he kept it to himself.

He thought about that first night and replied Pizza

Oh no, I made you the pizza.

He laughed and typed: we made it together. Wednesday lunch?

I'm not sure.

He did not want to push. He texted I have some ideas already. Chocolate mousse topped with toasted marshmallow. Perhaps even a fondue station.

I like. Will need to discuss more.

He smiled and responded Wednesday?


Then she sent a smiling emoji. A week ago, he would never believe he would text Bethany. He spent some time on the Facebook page for Les Bistros Français. He also had his own page, but he kept it professional. He wanted past customers to find him. The comments were all positive, except for one or two complaints about reservations not being available. A customer suggested a weekday which was exactly what he would suggest. Hayley had left a message. She wrote, Looks divine. Chef Barton is superb. Looks like I'll be visiting Maine.

She hated Maine. At least that's what she told him when she visited that summer.

Hayley arrived late on Friday night. It was before Oliver and Beth had become lovers. It was a week before the fourth of July. She threw herself into his arms, and he kissed her. "Wow! That was some kiss! I can tell you missed me." She laughed.

"You have no idea." He didn't complete it aloud, but silently thought, you have no idea how I've wanted to kiss you to erase the memory of kissing Beth.

"So why can't we stay in your room?"

"Because they should condemn it. You'll like Jake and Sarah. They're really nice."

Although she was polite to their hosts, she complained behind closed doors. The weather was nice, but he still had to work. Hayley had a lot of time on her own. On Sunday before she left, she insisted on an ice cream. He wanted her to try the place closer to town, but she insisted on the homemade ice cream on The Point. They stood in line at the window Beth wasn't working at. Hayley said, "Come on. This line is shorter."

When it was their turn, Beth waited on them as if they were strangers. Since Oliver felt so awkward, he gave her a ten-dollar tip. He hadn't seen her in two days. As Hayley drove away, he sighed and went to work. When he went home to Beth's that night, she held up the ten-dollar bill.


"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do."

"She's pretty."

"Yes, but so are you. If you're wondering, she hated it here. The water was too cold. I worked too much."

"I bet you figured out how to keep her happy." She teased.

"Don't." He whispered feeling guilty. "How was your weekend? Did Caitlyn bring anyone home?"

"No, she struck out. We both did."

Why did the thought of her picking up a guy make him feel jealous? He had slept with Hayley all weekend. He heard a loud noise outside and looked at her.

"Renters across the street. They're a rowdy group. It will be a long week."

"I'm glad I'm back. Come here."

She stepped towards him, and he gathered her in his arms. He was crazy to think seeing Hayley would change how he felt about Beth. Her body felt right against his and then she looked up at him. Without hesitation, he captured his mouth on hers and felt himself being pulled under by her magical spell.

"You're crazy," she said when she pulled away.

"About you and I'm not sure what to do about it." He kissed her again.

Ironically, it was not his relationship with Beth that was the demise of him and Hayley, although it should have been. Oliver tried very hard his last year of school to make Hayley a priority. He drove the two hours home most every Friday and returned to Providence on Sunday nights. He stayed with her while she studied and cooked for her in his mother's kitchen. He was doing his penance to ease his guilt. When he began talking about studying in France, Hayley was not pleased. When she learned that the plan was for Oliver and Ava to go to France, she exploded. She had always been jealous of Ava and didn't trust him. He tried to explain that they were friends and she could trust him, but he had spent most of the previous summer betraying her trust.

Oliver arrived early on Wednesday morning. Ava took one look at him. "Not again, Romeo? You're punishing yourself."

"Probably. Just so you know, I asked Lucas if I could get out of my lease. I don't need to live at the beach anymore. The commutes a pain."

"Can I say that I told you so?"

"You will even if I say no."

"So can you get out of the lease?"

"Probably come summer. He said we could talk about it later. Now I have dough to make."

"Dough! That's my specialty," Ava said appalled.

"It's just for pizza."

"I see our menu is expanding." Ava's tongue was sharp.

"It's just for my meeting."

Ava just shook her head. "I'll make your dough. You want to impress her, don't you?"

She arrived on time. She had texted him the day before to say that she would come, so he wasn't as nervous. Again she was in jeans and a sweater. She also wore a pair of boots that went almost to her knees. She looked really good. He purposely didn't dress especially for their meeting. He had no reason to wear anything other than jeans because he typically changed into his chef's whites before he started in the kitchen every afternoon.

"So do you want to come back and help with the pizza?"

"Really? You'll let me see your kitchen!"

"It's not a secret. Your boyfriend saw it when he picked up dinner on Saturday," Oliver instantly regretted his big mouth.

"I didn't know he was calling you," she said defensively.

"It's fine. He and I are friends which is extremely weird." Oliver admitted.

"I guess I'm glad. I know it's mutual."

"How long have you been a couple?" He wasn't sure if he should have asked.

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