11 - Pizza

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"Who are you texting?" Lucas asked.

"Chef. I forgot to tell him about the theme." She attempted to sound casual.

"Ah yes, baby, it is cold outside. Will you come keep me warm?" Lucas patted the sofa next to him. They were enjoying a leisurely morning reading the newspaper. Bethany had been up early to walk. It was well below freezing, but she dressed warmly and didn't mind, as long as the wind wasn't too bad.

"How can you be cold, the thermostat is on seventy? I remember at the beach, Nana and I barely set it over sixty-five." She hadn't lived in her home for years.

"I don't know why anyone would want to live there in the winter." Lucas could be opinionated.

"If I could afford it, I would prefer a winter home someday. Perhaps a house in a suburb with good schools." She was thinking out loud.

"You know, I will never live in the suburbs and the only thing schools are good for are increasing property values. I own one of the best condos in the city. I can't imagine ever moving."

"Forget I said anything."

He couldn't understand why they didn't belong together. If only she had enough courage, she'd be living alone in a tiny apartment. Lately, she's been finding courage though, as it took courage to meet with Oliver and to text him to thank him for the burger. Maybe he wasn't playing games with her. Perhaps because the man she's been with for over three years didn't know what to order for her, he was being thoughtful.

On a whim, she picked up her phone and typed. What are you going to make for me next Chef? She could never forget the next time they cooked together.

The kissing started again after Oliver moved in, and it was intoxicating. She knew he wasn't hers, but somehow she didn't care. She was young, and her only concern was the present. Their urgency and passion was new to her. His hands were in her hair and hers were on his strong back.

Eventually, sanity won and he pulled away. "We both need sleep."

In the morning, he greeted her with a kiss. "How can you just do this?"

"I don't know. I just know that I really like you. I'll be gone at the end of the summer. If you can't handle it, let me know. Otherwise, I just want to make the most of the time we have together." She reached up and kissed him.

She made an announcement on the morning of Oliver's day off. "Alright Chef, I'm cooking for you tonight."

"Really, can I watch?"

"Maybe you can help." She teased.

That evening he leaned against the doorjamb looking incredibly sexy. Finally, he asked with a smirk, "What are you making?"

"Pizza. It's my specialty."

Working her store-bought dough onto the pan, she pointed to the onion and pepper. "You can cut those."

He rapidly cut up the vegetables. "What's next Chef?"

"No, no, no, I'm not Chef. You're the only one."

One neighbor had rented their cottage that week, and the renters were making a lot of noise, Oliver had looked out the window a few times. After midnight, she woke from a sound sleep by a loud bang. Her heart was pounding. She crept out of bed and opened Oliver's door. "I'm scared."

"It's alright. Come here." She slid into bed next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "They're just jerks. Your heart is pounding."

She was wearing only an oversized shirt and underpants and he had on a shirt and boxers. She felt his hand under her shirt exploring. She put hers under his shirt. His skin was warm and smooth. Without warning, he turned and captured her mouth. Neither of their hands stopped and silently discarded their shirts.

Bethany may have gone to his room out of genuine fear, but the moment she slipped into his arms, she wanted it to happen. She could have stopped it with a word, but she had wanted him since the night they met. It was intense, but over almost as soon as it started. There would be time for leisure and tenderness another time. This had been about pent-up desire that exploded out of each of them.

Waking she realized she had sex in her grandmother's bed. "I'm horrible," she said out loud.

"I'm the one who's horrible, but I don't care." He tried to kiss her, but she stopped him.

"You didn't just have sex in your grandmother's bed," she said dramatically.

Oliver laughed. "No, I guess that is a little weird. Come on." He took her hand and pulled her out of bed. He was nude and in the dark last night, she hadn't seen his beautiful body. It didn't even occur to her to feel vulnerable. He walked to her room and took her into his arms. Slowly, tenderly, he made love to every inch of her. It was so different from the night before and unlike anything she'd ever experienced before.

Nothing was the same after that. Everything was wonderful except for Hayley. She knew he still talked to her. Hayley was his girlfriend, and she was... what... his lover? Although he denied it, he felt guilty, but it didn't stop them from carrying on as lovers.

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