15 - Birthday girl

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She was reeling from the tingling of Oliver's breath on her neck.

She hadn't wanted to go, but she had foolishly told Caitlyn about Oliver owning the bistro and their meetings about the gala. Was she playing games when she ordered the burger? The correct question was not if, but why?

David pulled Oliver a beer, and he sat next to her. She secretly wished he still had his chef whites on, but she liked him in jeans too. Why was she thinking about how he looked in his clothing?

"You shouldn't have taken care of our check."

"I know, but I wanted to."

He was staring at her, hopefully he couldn't read her mind. What would he think if he knew she was admiring the way his jeans fit? Clothing was invented to hide our bodies and create a mystery. The problem was that Beth had a good memory, so she really needed to go home.

"Hey birthday girl, it's getting late. Are you ready?" Beth asked.

"Not yet!"

Oliver looked at her questioningly. "She walked. She lives up on the hill. I can give you her address, so she can take a cab."

"I'll take care of her," David said.

"Are you sure?" Oliver asked.

Looking at her address, he said, "I live around the corner from her."

Beth started to leave. "I can give you a lift home."

"Someone is living in my home," she snapped.


"I was kidding. I can walk."

"Let me walk you. We can catch up on the gala."


She remembered that last walk on the beach when he left her. This time they were a long way from lovers, and they weren't holding hands.

"So is everything on track for the gala?"

"It's coming along. I'll spend all day tomorrow on it. We're not quite sold out yet. Lucas is working on that. I have a lot of work to do on decorations. I'm trying to figure it out, because I can't make that kind of mess in Lucas' condo."

"Use the beach house." He didn't hesitate.

"Oh, I couldn't... Lucas still hasn't talked to me about your lease," she admitted.

"Just tell him I offered. I'm barely there except for Mondays. Just text me."

It sounded so easy. "It involves glitter." She gave him a chance to back out.

"I love glitter. I'll help you after you get out of work on Monday. That is if you want help."

"I'll let you know." Looking up to the top of the building they were standing in front of, she said, "Well this is me. Goodnight Chef."

"Goodnight, Beth." He turned and walked away, but this time she would see him again. Her heart jolted.

She had finished her first cup of coffee when Lucas came into the kitchen. She poured him a cup.

"Thanks, babe. Did you have fun last night?"

He was awake when she came home, but he was watching Sports Center, so she went to bed.

"Yes, but Caitlyn was Caitlyn."

"Why do you bother with her? She's so immature."

"She's been my best friend since high school."

"Well, I'm glad you're not like her." He sounded condescending.

Beth thought if he only knew that she lived with a man who was practically engaged for an entire summer.

"I went to dinner with you and spent the night in your bed."

"That was different, because we knew each other and I had asked you out a year before. Once you had dinner with me, you wanted me too." Lucas was sure of himself.

Bethany's memory was a little different. Lucas was taking care of the house for her and she needed someone to take care of her. He intimidated her, because he was nine years older. She was still trying to wipe Oliver out of her memory and decided sex with a more mature man would help. Falling for him was never part of her plan.

"Why didn't you tell me that Chef is renting my house?"

"I never told him it was yours. How d'you find out?"

"He offered to lend his place to work on decorations and imagine my surprise when he told me where his place was." She let her anger show.

"Well now, you know. I'm glad you two are working together. Thanks to you, it will be the best gala ever."

"Yes, so you don't mind if I hang out at my house and work on the decorations?"

"Of course not, the gala is priority number one. Whatever it takes."


Beth was going home.

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