Coming Back

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Maya was on the plane back from Quantico.

It had been a long time and she'd learned a lot but damn... she was ready to see her girl and her family.

She was now... well somewhat, an FBI agent. She needed a little bit more training before she really start working how she wanted to.

She listened to music, hoping Ryan would be at the airport to greet her. She'd told her when to come and they planned to go to her parent's house afterwards.

She made it to the airport and got off the plane. She got her bags and went downstairs to the pickup area.

She saw Ryan leaning on her Dad's truck, texting. She grinned and ran over. Ryan looked up and smiled widely.

"Baby girl." Ryan said, meeting her halfway and hugging her tightly. "I missed you so much. I'm so fucking happy you're back." Ryan sighed and pulled back to kiss Maya quickly. Maya laughed.

"I missed you too baby." Ryan grinned and studied Maya.

"Good God, you're an FBI agent." Maya laughed and shrugged.

"Not yet. More training and they have to watch me."

"You're not leaving again anytime soon are you?"

"No. If so, it won't be nearly as long." Ryan nodded and let out a breath. She hugged Maya once more and sighed.

"I'm glad you did what you wanted and you're following your dreams, but damn I never wanna be away from you this long again."

"Aww baby. Neither do I. It was hard as hell. Not to mention not being able to talk to anyone, especially you. I couldn't rely on you like usual." Ryan rubbed her back.

"Yeah, I know." The truck shook a little, making Maya raise her eyebrow.

"Mia?" Ryan nodded.

"Yeah... and something else. Ellie and I are friends again. I take her home from school everyday now since her car was messed up. I have to drop her off." Maya raised her eyebrow. "Please don't be mad, it's not like that. She decided to stay here because she knew she wouldn't have support anywhere else. I mean, from her parents." Maya sighed and nodded.

"Why hasn't Mia come out yet?"

"She wanted to surprise you. Told me not to tell you she's in there so act surprised." Ryan whispered. Maya smiled and shook her head. They put Maya's bags in the trunk and got in the truck.

"Surprise!" Mia yelled from the back. Maya looked at her surprised.

"Munchkin! I've missed you so much!" Mia laughed excitedly.

"I missed you too Maya! Ryan really missed you too. She told me... a lot." Maya laughed and Ryan blushed.

"You're so cute Munchkin." Maya smiled and looked at Ellie who was smiling. God this is awkward. "Hey Ellie."

"Hey Maya. How was training?"

"It was hard as hell, but thankfully, I made it through and graduated. How've you been?" Ellie glanced at Ryan and smiled.

"That's great. I've been good, thanks for asking." Why'd she glance at Ryan? Or was Maya reading into this too much?

Didn't Ellie need time to get over Ryan? Yes, it'd been five months, but you'd think someone would need more than that. Especially knowing the history Ellie's had trying to get Ryan back.

"Babe?" Ryan said and Maya looked at her.


"I was asking if you wanted me to stay the night with you tonight."

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