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Friday... what an amazing word Ryan thought to herself as she walked into the school. Her hand was wrapped tightly in Ellie's, yet Ellie was mad at her. Ellie was currently mumbling under her breath as Ryan ignored her.

"Monday was fucking great and in a span of days you begin to go right back to being an asshole." Was the one line Ryan heard. She stopped in her tracks threw her hands up in exasperation.

"You can't be treated like royalty every fucking day Ellie, I don't have the money."

"I don't want your money. All I want is some time with you. You go home and we text, and sure you come over but sitting in the house all day isn't fun. You could at least take me to the park or somewhere free!"

"Well why don't you take me out for once?" Ellie blinked and took a deep breath in.

"Don't act like I haven't tried to." People had began to stare, but the two didn't notice. Seth walked to the two of them as they argued back and forth.

"You two might want to take this somewhere else." Ellie looked around before grabbing Ryan's hand and pulling her away. Ryan followed her, frowning deeply. She felt that this was a waste of time. It was just Ellie being Ellie. Though, deep down, she knew Ellie was right. She just didn't want to admit it.

Ellie pulled her into a empty classroom and closed the door.

"Ryan... do you love me?" Ellie asked her. Ryan frowned, suddenly feeling horrible. She pulled Ellie's waist into hers.

"Yes, more than anything else in my life right now." Ellie smiled sadly. "You make my day."

"I love you just as much... maybe more, I just... don't feel loved all the time Ryan. It's like sometimes you know you have me, and you're so sure of it, so you don't care."

"But I do care, it's just... I don't know how to be what you deserve..."

"You are what I deserve, when you show me you love me and care.The only time it feels like you care is when you think you're losing me, like now... and that's not enough for me." Ryan frowned, knowing what that meant. She hoped it wasn't what Ellie was trying to do, but it sounded like it.

"But Els I'll-" Ellie shook her head and looked down. Her eyes watered and tears fell, but she wiped them furiously.

"I think we should take a break Ryan. I don't know if you want to be in this relationship. This is so hard for me to do, but I know deep down it's what I should do. I've tried to talk with you, but you just get mad and... I can't keep doing this for long." Ryan's heart felt like it broke with those words. She called it a break, but the way Ellie spoke... it didn't seem like she had much of a chance to be back with her.

"Ellie, I'll be better, I promise. Please, give me another chance." Ryan begged, pulling Ellie into her.

"Ryan, I can't." Ellie cried.

"But you love me?" Ryan questioned.

"Yes, and this is why I'm doing this." Ryan stared at Ellie. She was serious. She didn't want to be with her anymore. She understood why, she was a horrible girlfriend. Ryan was stubborn, but just to prove to Ellie that she'd begin to be better, she agreed.

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