Dylan Slaughter

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Ryan looked out the window, amazed. Miami was so much better than she thought it was. She could see herself riding her motorcycle around the city. Maybe even having Maya hanging onto her tightly. God, what a life they'd have together. But was it too early to be thinking like that? Probably. How about we not think about that?

"So, how do you like the house?" Dylan asked as he gave them a tour of his condo. The condo was huge, Ryan was still insanely surprised that he'd had this much money. What the hell did he do? Maya made it seem like whatever it was was bad. They were whispering about it when the two hugged earlier.

"I love it man, whatever you're doing, can I have a part in it?" Maya whipped her head towards her and her eyes widened. Dylan burst out laughing and patted Ryan's shoulder.

"Sorry dude, Maya would kill me." Ryan looked at Maya's face and laughed.

"Yeah, I can tell. It's okay babe." Maya smiled sheepishly and Ryan kissed her cheek.

"Well guys, I'm going to jet out for a while. You'll probably have the house to yourself tonight."

"Wait, we've got a hotel room-"

"Might want to get your money back and spend it on something else. No way I'll have my sister and her cool ass girlfriend here and let them sleep in a hotel. There's plenty of food in the fridge, help yourself." He hugged Maya tightly.

"Remember, I'll be back in the morning. I love you and I'm so happy you're here."

"Okay, and thank you so much. I love you too Dyl." Ryan smiled, seeing the two of them finally get together again was great. Ryan knew the two missed each other dearly.

"I'll see you two in the morning. There is another car in the garage, space number 271, the keys are in the kitchen. The numbers to my favorite take out places are in the kitchen also." He waved and left the house. Maya looked at Ryan and took her hand.

"What do you want to do now?"

"I hope this doesn't sound too forward, but I'd like it if you told me about your brother." Maya raised her eyebrow.

"Have a crush on my brother?" Maya said, joking around.

"Only you my darling." Ryan said, grinning and pulling Maya closer. Maya laughed and kissed Ryan.

"Okay, we can talk about him. Dylan was always free spirited. He liked to go out and have fun, and there was nothing wrong with that, but Mom hated it. She had her reasons, but he didn't care all too much. When he made the choice to go to college, she told him she wouldn't pay for him to lolly gag around and fail. He decided to go and get money on his own. He became a stripper and soon he serviced his customers in several different ways. Until that one time he got an STD from a male customer. She was furious, she kicked him out of the house and he moved here. One of his customers suggested he come here. He had a job for him. That brought my brother to the adult performing industry-"

"Oh shit, he's a porn star?" Maya nodded.

"Yes, he is."

"And he's got this much money?"

"Well, he's also an occasional stripper and he owns a club, so yes."

"Woah, that's awesome Maya." Maya laughed and shrugged. "Why were you whispering to him?"

"He's a porn star and a stripper, talking about you working with him." Ryan was still confused.


"Babe, he was joking about you doing a video. Most of his friends are in the industry too and I don't want them trying to ask you about things like that."

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