Chapter 14

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" Heartbreaks & Promises I've had more than my share."


A few months later -- Filler Chapter

A smile formed across Adraya's lips as she paid attention to their principal on the stage. It was by far one of the best days she has ever had. She couldn't help but to be very proud of herself and happy that she was graduating today and off into the real world.

The auditorium was filled with graduates, their family and friends as they all came together in celebration of graduation day. Beside her were her new friends, Reina & Autumn who held Adraya's sweaty hand in place.

They all became friends after Adraya realized that she needed to distance herself from Shyla and the twins. It took a while and alot of convincing for her to remove herself from her friends and her previous relationship.

Although Shyla and her may not talk as much, she still loved her no matter what but she didn't want to be mixed up with the drama.  Ever since she stopped talking to them, her life has been drama free and she hasn't been in any conflicts with other kids at school.

" Bitch we bout to graduate." Autumn semi-yelled.

" I know right I can't wait." Adraya smiled.

" I can't wait to hit the club." Reina smirked as she twerked a little in her seat. Adraya then leaned backwards in her chair and searched into the crowd for her family and friends. As soon as she found them she began to wave at them with a smile.

On the other side, Dre was happy to see his babygirl walk across the stage and give her valedictorian speech later on. He was indeed proud of her and proud of everything she has accomplished as a young lady.

" I'm so proud of her." Princess exclaimed. Dre smiled at his wife and placed his arm around her neck before placing a kiss on her forehead.

" We didn't do so bad after all." Dre smiled.

" We did good babe." She answered. Everything started to fall into place for the past few months and as for the Brown's, life couldn't have got any better.

Dre and his wife, Princess made up after two months but only under one condition and that was to cut all ties with Armoni.  As usual, Dre respected his wife decisions and agreed with her to save his marriage. He knew he loved his wife and that he had screwed up when he cheated. The only thing he wanted to do was make it right and stay far away from Armoni as possible.

" Madison Grandberry." The principal called out. Madison smiled as she walked across the stage and greeted her principal for her diploma. Everybody knew she wasn't the smartest but at least she got enough good grades to walk across the stage today. 

" Think she got a certificate of attendance" Autumn joked as she playfully hit Adraya's shoulders.

" Behave Autumn." Adraya laughed.

" Not even a certificate, a thank you for visiting letter." Reina blurted out. Madison and Reina had a few altercations of their own because of Madison sleeping with all of Reina's sloppy seconds.

Reina was a very good person and the definition of a true friend to Adraya but she wasn't perfect. She slept with different guys who had money and who would always buy her things. Reina loved to live the expensive life by having nice things and she didn't care if she had to fuck to get it. She wasn't bougie or full of herself, in fact she only popped off if needed.

Whereas Autumn was a typical girly girl. She loved to shop and dress up everyday if she could. Autumn also can be sweet one minute then the next she can have a attitude problem. Out of the trio Autumn was the most tempered one and didn't tolerate any shit from anybody period.

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